smashingmagazine / redesign

Reporting bugs and weird issues on the shiny new Smashing Magazine.
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Detached "Hide talk details" button on London Conf page #354

Closed dmgawel closed 6 years ago

dmgawel commented 6 years ago

- Do you want to request a feature or report a bug? Bug

- What is the current behavior? Weird "Hide talk details" button appears on London Conf event page, near the "Select A Conference" switch.


- If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce.

Enter, its in the upper right corner.

- What is the expected behavior?

I suppose it should be somewhere else or should be hidden :-)

- Please mention your operating system version and the version of your browser

macOS Sierra, Chrome 62

indysigner commented 6 years ago

hi @dmgawel, many thanks for reporting this bug! A fix is on the way. Thank you! :-)