smashingmagazine / redesign

Reporting bugs and weird issues on the shiny new Smashing Magazine.
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Staging is being indexed by Search Engines #365

Closed leoloso closed 6 years ago

leoloso commented 6 years ago

- Do you want to request a feature or report a bug? Bug

- What is the current behavior? I searched for myself in Duck Duck Go, and the results contained an entry to Smashing Magazine's Staging environment:

screenshot-2018-3-16 leonardo losoviz at duckduckgo

Apart from the fact that Staging should not be indexed, there is another problem: I clicked there and it seems to work fine, but comments in the articles do not load. A user coming from Duck Duck Go may be unaware this is not a Staging environment instead of the Live one, and think there are no comments whatsoever.

- If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce. Search for "Leonardo Losoviz" in Duck Duck Go (or anything else that will appear in Smashing Magazine) and scroll down, around the 20th result is the entry in the screenshot.

- What is the expected behavior? Staging should not be indexed.

indysigner commented 6 years ago

Oh yeah, that’s a good point. We were closing staging in the meanwhile, so that should be fixed. Thank you! :-)