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Can't finish order in shop with old reduced article still in cart #371

Open Fjonan opened 5 years ago

Fjonan commented 5 years ago

I followed a link for the new Smashing Book 6 to pre-order it at 29,-, put it in the cart but abandoned the process afterwards (sorry).

Today I added another book (Form Design Patterns) to the cart. The Smashing Book 6 from weeks earlier was still shown as "in cart" with the reduced price of 29,- - the total was shown correct as 58,-. I tried to finish the purchase but on the "confirm order" page after successfully logging into PayPal it showed an error. I tried again for two times with the same result.

I removed the old article from the basket, re-added it with the current price (39,-) and now I could successfully finish the purchase.

My guess is, that the mechanism behind the reduced price prevented me from finishing the purchase. Either it should have informed me, that the reduced price is no longer valid, or the item in the cart should have become void.

The successful purchase took place around 13:40, 11.10.2018