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ChoCo: the Chord Corpus
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Experimental queries with ChoCo's new model #108

Open jonnybluesman opened 1 year ago

jonnybluesman commented 1 year ago

This is a thread to collect the new queries in ChoCo+MusicMeta, following the ongoing update.

1.1 README Query: Michelle

Give me the first 10 chord occurrences in an annotation of "Michelle"

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX jams: <>
PREFIX mm: <>
PREFIX core: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?observationValue ?startTime ?startTimeType ?duration ?durationType WHERE { ?musicentity a mm:MusicEntity ; core:title "Michelle" ; jams:hasJAMSAnnotation ?annotation . ?annotation jams:includesObservation ?observation ; jams:hasAnnotationType "chord" . ?observation rdfs:label ?observationValue ; jams:hasMusicTimeInterval [jams:hasMusicTimeDuration [ jams:hasValue ?duration ; jams:hasValueType ?durationType ] ; jams:hasMusicTimeStartIndex [ jams:hasMusicTimeIndexComponent [ jams:hasValue ?startTime ; jams:hasValueType ?startTimeType ]]] . } ORDER BY (?startTime) LIMIT 10

[Run it](*%2F*%3Bq%3D0.9&contentTypeSelect=application%2Fsparql-results%2Bjson%2C*%2F*%3Bq%3D0.9&outputFormat=table)
jonnybluesman commented 1 year ago

2.1 Searching ChoCo by text

Give me the JAMS files, title, artist name, ChoCo ID, and link to the JAMS file — for anything that has “Beatles” in the title or in the artist name (limited by 10)

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX jams: <>
PREFIX mm: <>
PREFIX core: <>
PREFIX prov: <>
PREFIX owl: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?jamsFile ?title ?artistName ?chocoId ?chocoLink
  ?musicentity a mm:MusicEntity ;
    mm:hasArtist ?artist ;
    core:title ?title ;
    jams:hasJAMSAnnotation ?annotation .
  ?annotation jams:hasAnnotationType ?chordType ;
    prov:wasDerivedFrom ?jamsFile .
  ?jamsFile owl:sameAs ?chocoLink ;
    rdfs:label ?chocoId .
  ?artist rdfs:label ?artistName .
  bind("mozart" as ?query)
  filter(contains(lcase(?artistName), lcase(?query)))
  filter(contains(?chordType, "chord"))
ORDER BY (?chocoId)

Run it)%0A%20%20filter(contains(%3FchordType%2C%20%22chord%22))%0A%7D%0AORDER%20BY%20(%3FchocoId)%0ALIMIT%20100&

jonnybluesman commented 1 year ago

2.2 JAMS files and IDs

Give me all the JAMS files in ChoCo together with their ID and link (limited to 10)

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX jams: <>
PREFIX prov: <>
PREFIX owl: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?jamsFile ?chocoId ?chocoLink
  ?jamsFile a jams:JAMSFile ;
    owl:sameAs ?chocoLink ;
    rdfs:label ?chocoId .
ORDER BY (?chocoId)

Run it

jonnybluesman commented 1 year ago

2.3 Observations from ChoCo ID

Given a ChoCo ID of a specific JAMS, just give me the chord observations

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX jams: <>
PREFIX mm: <>
PREFIX core: <>
PREFIX prov: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?observationValue ?startTime ?startTimeType ?duration ?durationType
  bind("billboard_132.jams" as ?queryID)
  ?jamsFile a jams:JAMSFile ;
    rdfs:label ?queryID .
  ?annotation a jams:JAMSAnnotation ;
    prov:wasDerivedFrom ?jamsFile ;
    jams:includesObservation ?observation ;
    jams:hasAnnotationType "chord" .
  ?observation rdfs:label ?observationValue ;
    jams:hasMusicTimeInterval [jams:hasMusicTimeDuration [ jams:hasValue ?duration ; jams:hasValueType ?durationType ] ;
      jams:hasMusicTimeStartIndex [ jams:hasMusicTimeIndexComponent [ jams:hasValue ?startTime ; jams:hasValueType ?startTimeType  ]]] .
ORDER BY (?startTime)

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