smashwilson / merge-conflicts

Resolve git merge conflicts in Atom
MIT License
432 stars 42 forks source link

Notification of stage locks file #260

Open rpennell opened 7 years ago

rpennell commented 7 years ago

The notification that the file is ready to stage locks the file. If you press stage down below next to the progress bars, Atom throws an error. The only successful way to stage is to say "Maybe Later" in the notification then stage it with the below interface


  1. enter "we are done here" notification
  2. press stage
  3. When stage does not work, press stage in progress panel below

Atom Version: 1.12.7 Electron Version: 1.3.13 System: Ubuntu 16.10 Thrown From: merge-conflicts package, v1.4.4 User: root

Stack Trace

Uncaught Error: The index is locked. This might be due to a concurrent or crashed process

At /home/ryan/.atom/packages/merge-conflicts/lib/git/shellout.js:142

Error: The index is locked. This might be due to a concurrent or crashed process
    at Error (native)
    at GitContext.resolveFile (/home/ryan/.atom/packages/merge-conflicts/lib/git/shellout.js:142:24)
    at MergeConflictsView.resolveFile (/home/ryan/.atom/packages/merge-conflicts/lib/view/
    at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (/home/ryan/.atom/packages/merge-conflicts/node_modules/space-pen/lib/space-pen.js:220:36)
    at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (/home/ryan/.atom/packages/merge-conflicts/node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js:4435:9)
    at HTMLButtonElement.elemData.handle (/home/ryan/.atom/packages/merge-conflicts/node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js:4121:28)



  "core": {
    "ignoredNames": [
    "telemetryConsent": "no"

Installed Packages

# User
language-verilog, v0.4.0 (active)
merge-conflicts, v1.4.4 (active)
minimap, v4.25.7 (active)
atom-dark-syntax, v0.27.0 (inactive)
atom-dark-ui, v0.52.0 (inactive)
atom-light-syntax, v0.28.0 (inactive)
atom-light-ui, v0.45.0 (inactive)
base16-tomorrow-dark-theme, v1.3.0 (inactive)
base16-tomorrow-light-theme, v1.3.0 (inactive)
one-dark-ui, v1.6.2 (active)
one-light-ui, v1.6.2 (inactive)
one-dark-syntax, v1.5.0 (active)
one-light-syntax, v1.5.0 (inactive)
solarized-dark-syntax, v1.0.5 (inactive)
solarized-light-syntax, v1.0.5 (inactive)
about, v1.7.0 (active)
archive-view, v0.62.0 (active)
autocomplete-atom-api, v0.10.0 (active)
autocomplete-css, v0.13.1 (active)
autocomplete-html, v0.7.2 (active)
autocomplete-plus, v2.31.4 (active)
autocomplete-snippets, v1.11.0 (active)
autoflow, v0.27.0 (inactive)
autosave, v0.23.1 (active)
background-tips, v0.26.1 (active)
bookmarks, v0.42.0 (active)
bracket-matcher, v0.82.2 (active)
command-palette, v0.39.0 (active)
deprecation-cop, v0.54.1 (active)
dev-live-reload, v0.47.0 (active)
encoding-selector, v0.22.0 (active)
find-and-replace, v0.202.2 (inactive)
fuzzy-finder, v1.4.0 (active)
git-diff, v1.1.0 (active)
go-to-line, v0.31.0 (inactive)
grammar-selector, v0.48.2 (active)
image-view, v0.60.0 (active)
incompatible-packages, v0.26.1 (active)
keybinding-resolver, v0.35.0 (active)
line-ending-selector, v0.5.0 (active)
link, v0.31.2 (inactive)
markdown-preview, v0.158.8 (active)
notifications, v0.65.1 (active)
open-on-github, v1.2.1 (inactive)
package-generator, v1.0.1 (inactive)
settings-view, v0.243.1 (active)
snippets, v1.0.4 (active)
spell-check, v0.68.4 (active)
status-bar, v1.4.1 (active)
styleguide, v0.47.2 (active)
symbols-view, v0.113.1 (inactive)
tabs, v0.103.0 (active)
timecop, v0.33.2 (active)
tree-view, v0.210.0 (active)
update-package-dependencies, v0.10.0 (active)
welcome, v0.35.1 (active)
whitespace, v0.35.0 (active)
wrap-guide, v0.38.2 (active)
language-c, v0.54.0 (active)
language-clojure, v0.22.1 (active)
language-coffee-script, v0.48.0 (active)
language-csharp, v0.13.0 (active)
language-css, v0.40.1 (active)
language-gfm, v0.88.0 (active)
language-git, v0.15.0 (active)
language-go, v0.43.0 (active)
language-html, v0.47.1 (active)
language-hyperlink, v0.16.1 (active)
language-java, v0.24.0 (active)
language-javascript, v0.122.0 (active)
language-json, v0.18.3 (active)
language-less, v0.29.6 (active)
language-make, v0.22.2 (active)
language-mustache, v0.13.0 (active)
language-objective-c, v0.15.1 (active)
language-perl, v0.37.0 (active)
language-php, v0.37.3 (active)
language-property-list, v0.8.0 (active)
language-python, v0.45.1 (active)
language-ruby, v0.70.2 (active)
language-ruby-on-rails, v0.25.1 (active)
language-sass, v0.57.0 (active)
language-shellscript, v0.23.0 (active)
language-source, v0.9.0 (active)
language-sql, v0.25.0 (active)
language-text, v0.7.1 (active)
language-todo, v0.29.1 (active)
language-toml, v0.18.1 (active)
language-xml, v0.34.12 (active)
language-yaml, v0.27.1 (active)

# Dev
No dev packages


smashwilson commented 7 years ago

:wave: Thanks for taking the time to file an issue here! Unfortunately, this repository is being deprecated, so I won't be getting to this one here.

This one should be taken care of by the new git and GitHub package for Atom. If you see something similar, please file an issue there to let us know. Thanks 🙇