smbache / ensurer

Ensure values are as expected at runtime
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Post to cran? #15

Open rgknight opened 7 years ago

rgknight commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your work on this.

I quite like this package and considering using it as a dependency in a data cleaning package.

What are the chances that this package will make its way to a release version on CRAN?

I'm less interested in the type stability stuff than I am in having a lightweight way to create runtime contracts with custom error messages for use in production processes.

(Note that I have the same question about loggr -- love that package as well).

smbache commented 7 years ago

Thanks :)

Well, except for the type stuff, ensurer is already available on CRAN, and has been for a while.

The loggr package is not yet and I admit that's not very active of me. I'm still a little indecisive about how I want the implementation to be, and did not have time to figure it out :) but thanks for the encouragement.

rgknight commented 7 years ago

Oh, great! I was confused by the readme. Submitted a little PR to clarify.

Definitely looking forward to loggr getting to a release version -- it fills such a need in R as more people are using R in production processes.

Quick question, not on this topic -- is it currently possible to use NSE with ensurer? e.g.,

mtcars %>% ensure_that(is.numeric(mpg))

instead of

mtcars %>% ensure_that(is.numeric(.$mpg))
smbache commented 7 years ago

Thanks - I hope to get back to loggr soon!

Re NSE: no - but you can do:

mtcars %$% ensure_that(mpg, is.numeric(.))

where %$% is also in magrittr.

albhasan commented 1 month ago

Good afternoon,

I like and use this package to assert data conditions while daisy-chaining functions using magrittr; thanks for developing it! But now CRAN says it was removed from its repository [1]. Is ensurer abandoned?

