smbjorklund / cellproject

Consortium on Electronic Literature (CELL) Drupal installation
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Drupal installation - Remove all unused modules #8

Closed steinmb closed 3 years ago

steinmb commented 5 years ago

The site should not contain 3-part modules not used. Drupal still use time, memory and CPU tracking them and they can cause a security risk if they suddenly is enabled by a admin and is outdated/in-need of a security update.

Suggested fix

When all modules not needed are addressed should the modules, libraries and modules be moved to the default location. They are split out dues to its past as a multisite installation.

How to test

Test site generic behavior

steinmb commented 5 years ago

@deheckman Some of the themes was addressed when I did issue #7 - I leave the remaining to Greg, that we also need to add give access to this repo and the repo storing the cell project theme -


steinmb commented 3 years ago

Current status:

Package                              Name                                                                        Type    Status         Version
 Administration                       Actions permissions (VBO) (actions_permissions)                             Module  Not installed  7.x-3.5
 Administration                       Administration Development tools (admin_devel)                              Module  Not installed  7.x-3.0-rc6
 Administration                       Administration views (admin_views)                                          Module  Not installed  7.x-1.7
 Administration                       Front Page (front_page)                                                     Module  Not installed  7.x-2.4
 CCK                                  Content Migrate (content_migrate)                                           Module  Not installed  7.x-3.0-alpha3
 CELL                                 CELL Creative work (cell_creative_work)                                     Module  Not installed
 Chaos tool suite                     Bulk Export (bulk_export)                                                   Module  Not installed  7.x-1.15
 Chaos tool suite                     Chaos Tools (CTools) AJAX Example (ctools_ajax_sample)                      Module  Not installed  7.x-1.15
 Chaos tool suite                     Chaos Tools (CTools) Plugin Example (ctools_plugin_example)                 Module  Not installed  7.x-1.15
 Chaos tool suite                     Custom content panes (ctools_custom_content)                                Module  Not installed  7.x-1.15
 Chaos tool suite                     Custom rulesets (ctools_access_ruleset)                                     Module  Not installed  7.x-1.15
 Chaos tool suite                     Page manager (page_manager)                                                 Module  Not installed  7.x-1.15
 Chaos tool suite                     Stylizer (stylizer)                                                         Module  Not installed  7.x-1.15
 Chaos tool suite                     Term Depth access (term_depth)                                              Module  Not installed  7.x-1.15
 Chaos tool suite                     Views content panes (views_content)                                         Module  Not installed  7.x-1.15
 Content analysis                     Alchemy (alchemy)                                                           Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0-beta1
 Content analysis                     Alchemy Content Analyzer (alchemy_contentanalysis)                          Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0-beta1
 Content analysis                     Content Analysis API (contentanalysis)                                      Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0-beta7
 Content analysis                     Content Analysis API Example (contentanalysisexample)                       Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0-beta7
 Core                                 Blog (blog)                                                                 Module  Not installed  7.72
 Core                                 Book (book)                                                                 Module  Not installed  7.72
 Core                                 Comment (comment)                                                           Module  Disabled       7.72
 Core                                 Forum (forum)                                                               Module  Not installed  7.72
 Core                                 OpenID (openid)                                                             Module  Not installed  7.72
 Core                                 PHP filter (php)                                                            Module  Disabled       7.72
 Core                                 Poll (poll)                                                                 Module  Not installed  7.72
 Core                                 Shortcut (shortcut)                                                         Module  Disabled       7.72
 Core                                 Statistics (statistics)                                                     Module  Not installed  7.72
 Core                                 Syslog (syslog)                                                             Module  Not installed  7.72
 Core                                 Testing (simpletest)                                                        Module  Not installed  7.72
 Core                                 Toolbar (toolbar)                                                           Module  Disabled       7.72
 Core                                 Tracker (tracker)                                                           Module  Not installed  7.72
 Core                                 Trigger (trigger)                                                           Module  Not installed  7.72
 Date/Time                            Date All Day (date_all_day)                                                 Module  Not installed  7.x-2.10
 Date/Time                            Date Context (date_context)                                                 Module  Not installed  7.x-2.10
 Date/Time                            Date iCal (date_ical)                                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-3.9
 Date/Time                            Date Repeat API (date_repeat)                                               Module  Not installed  7.x-2.10
 Date/Time                            Date Repeat Field (date_repeat_field)                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-2.10
 Date/Time                            Date Tools (date_tools)                                                     Module  Not installed  7.x-2.10
 Date/Time                            Date Views (date_views)                                                     Module  Not installed  7.x-2.10
 Development                          Delete content and users (delete_all)                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-1.1
 Development                          Devel generate (devel_generate)                                             Module  Not installed  7.x-1.7
 Development                          Devel node access (devel_node_access)                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-1.7
 Development                          Metatag: Devel (metatag_devel)                                              Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 Development                          Search Krumo (search_krumo)                                                 Module  Not installed  7.x-1.6
 Display Suite                        Display Suite Devel (ds_devel)                                              Module  Not installed  7.x-2.16
 Display Suite                        Display Suite Extras (ds_extras)                                            Module  Not installed  7.x-2.16
 Display Suite                        Display Suite Format (ds_format)                                            Module  Not installed  7.x-2.16
 Display Suite                        Display Suite Forms (ds_forms)                                              Module  Not installed  7.x-2.16
 Display Suite                        Display Suite Search (ds_search)                                            Module  Not installed  7.x-2.16
 Example modules                      Variable example (variable_example)                                         Module  Not installed  7.x-2.5
 Facebook Autopost                    Facebook Autopost (fb_autopost)                                             Module  Not installed  7.x-1.4
 Facebook Autopost                    Facebook Autopost Entity (fb_autopost_entity)                               Module  Not installed  7.x-1.4
 Facebook Autopost                    Facebook autopost types (fb_autopost_types)                                 Module  Not installed  7.x-1.4
 Facebook Autopost                    Facebook Permissions (fb_permissions)                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-1.4
 Facebook Social Plugins              fb social (fb_social)                                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-2.0-beta4
 Features                             Date Migration Example (date_migrate_example)                               Module  Not installed  7.x-2.10
 Features                             Features (features)                                                         Module  Not installed  7.x-2.11
 Features                             UUID Features (uuid_features)                                               Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0-rc2
 Features                             UUID Services Example (uuid_services_example)                               Module  Not installed  7.x-1.3
 Feeds                                Book Outline Export (feeds_node_helper_export)                              Module  Not installed  7.x-1.5
 Feeds                                Book outline import (feeds_node_helper_import)                              Module  Not installed  7.x-1.5
 Feeds                                Feeds (feeds)                                                               Module  Not installed  7.x-2.0-beta4
 Feeds                                Feeds Admin UI (feeds_ui)                                                   Module  Not installed  7.x-2.0-beta4
 Feeds                                Feeds Import (feeds_import)                                                 Module  Not installed  7.x-2.0-beta4
 Feeds                                Feeds News (feeds_news)                                                     Module  Not installed  7.x-2.0-beta4
 Feeds                                Feeds Node Helper (feeds_node_helper)                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-1.5
 Feeds                                Feeds OAI-PMH Fetcher and Parser (feeds_oai_pmh)                            Module  Not installed  7.x-1.x-dev
 Feeds                                Feeds Tamper (feeds_tamper)                                                 Module  Not installed  7.x-1.2
 Feeds                                Feeds Tamper Admin UI (feeds_tamper_ui)                                     Module  Not installed  7.x-1.2
 Feeds Addon                          Feeds Image Grabber (feeds_imagegrabber)                                    Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0-alpha2
 Fields                               Address Field (addressfield)                                                Module  Not installed  7.x-1.3
 Fields                               Computed Field (computed_field)                                             Module  Not installed  7.x-1.1
 Fields                               Conditional Fields (conditional_fields)                                     Module  Not installed  7.x-3.0-alpha2
 Fields                               Email (email)                                                               Module  Not installed  7.x-1.3
 Fields                               Entity Reference Behavior Example (entityreference_behavior_example)        Module  Not installed  7.x-1.5
 Fields                               Fences (fences)                                                             Module  Not installed  7.x-1.2
 Fields                               Field Permissions (field_permissions)                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-1.1
 Fields                               Maxlength (maxlength)                                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-3.3
 Filters                              GeSHi field (geshifield)                                                    Module  Not installed  7.x-1.3
 Filters                              GeSHi Filter (geshifilter)                                                  Module  Not installed  7.x-1.3
 FlexSlider                           FlexSlider Views Slideshow (flexslider_views_slideshow)                     Module  Not installed  7.x-2.x-dev
 Image                                Manual Crop (manualcrop)                                                    Module  Not installed  7.x-1.7
 Input filters                        Cincopa Multimedia Platform (cincopa)                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-2.8
 Input filters                        Markdown filter (markdown)                                                  Module  Not installed  7.x-1.5
 Input filters                        TOC filter (toc_filter)                                                     Module  Disabled       7.x-1.3
 Input filters                        WYSIWYG Filter (wysiwyg_filter)                                             Module  Not installed  7.x-1.6-rc9
 LAuth                                LAuth Authentication API (lauth_api)                                        Module  Not installed  7.x-1.x-dev
 LAuth                                LAuth Server (lauth_server)                                                 Module  Not installed  7.x-1.x-dev
 LAuth                                LAuth Service (lauth_service)                                               Module  Not installed  7.x-1.x-dev
 Markup                               HTML5 Tools (html5_tools)                                                   Module  Not installed  7.x-1.3
 Media                                Client-side adaptive image (cs_adaptive_image)                              Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0
 Media                                Colorbox (colorbox)                                                         Module  Not installed  7.x-2.15
 Media                                Embedded Media Field (emfield)                                              Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0-alpha2
 Media                                File entity (file_entity)                                                   Module  Not installed  7.x-1.9
 Media                                Flowplayer API (flowplayer)                                                 Module  Not installed  7.x-2.x-dev
 Media                                jPlayer (jplayer)                                                           Module  Not installed  7.x-2.0
 Media                                jPlayer Content Protection (jplayer_protect)                                Module  Not installed  7.x-2.0
 Media                                Media (media)                                                               Module  Not installed  7.x-1.9
 Media                                Media Internet Sources (media_internet)                                     Module  Not installed  7.x-1.9
 Media                                Media: Flickr (media_flickr)                                                Module  Not installed  7.x-2.0-alpha5
 Media                                Media: UStream (media_ustream)                                              Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0-beta1
 Media                                Media: Vimeo (media_vimeo)                                                  Module  Not installed  7.x-2.1
 Media                                Media: YouTube (media_youtube)                                              Module  Not installed  7.x-3.9
 Media                                Video.js HTTP Live Streaming (videojs_hls)                                  Module  Not installed  7.x-3.0-alpha3
 Media                                Zencoder API (zencoderapi)                                                  Module  Not installed  7.x-2.14
 Migration                            Drupal-to-Drupal migration (migrate_d2d)                                    Module  Not installed  7.x-2.1
 Migration                            Drupal-to-Drupal migration UI (migrate_d2d_ui)                              Module  Not installed  7.x-2.1
 Migration                            Migrate Example (migrate_example)                                           Module  Not installed  7.x-2.11
 Migration                            Migrate example - Oracle (migrate_example_oracle)                           Module  Not installed  7.x-2.11
 Migration                            migrate_example_baseball (migrate_example_baseball)                         Module  Not installed  7.x-2.11
 Multilanguage                        Boxes translation (i18n_boxes)                                              Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0
 Multilingual                         Localization client (l10n_client)                                           Module  Not installed  7.x-1.3
 Multilingual - Entity Translation    Entity Translation Menu (entity_translation_i18n_menu)                      Module  Not installed  7.x-1.1
 Multilingual - Entity Translation    Entity Translation Upgrade (entity_translation_upgrade)                     Module  Not installed  7.x-1.1
 Multilingual - Internationalization  Block languages (i18n_block)                                                Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 Multilingual - Internationalization  Contact translation (i18n_contact)                                          Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 Multilingual - Internationalization  Facet API Translation (facetapi_i18n)                                       Module  Disabled       7.x-1.0-beta2
 Multilingual - Internationalization  Multilingual forum (i18n_forum)                                             Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 Multilingual - Internationalization  Panels translation (i18n_panels)                                            Module  Not installed  7.x-3.9
 Multilingual - Internationalization  Path translation (i18n_path)                                                Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 Multilingual - Internationalization  Synchronize translations (i18n_sync)                                        Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 Multilingual - Internationalization  Translation redirect (i18n_redirect)                                        Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 Multilingual - Internationalization  User mail translation (i18n_user)                                           Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 OAuth                                OAuth (oauth_common)                                                        Module  Not installed  7.x-3.4
 OAuth                                OAuth Provider UI (oauth_common_providerui)                                 Module  Not installed  7.x-3.4
 OIC                                  OIC Facets (oic_facets)                                                     Module  Not installed
 OIC                                  OIC Taxonomie: Aires de recherche (oic_taxonomie_aires_de_recherche)        Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0
 OIC                                  OIC Taxonomie: Champs disciplinaires (oic_taxonomie_champs_disciplinaires)  Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0
 OIC                                  OIC Taxonomie: Contexte géographique (oic_taxonomie_contexte_geographique)  Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0
 OIC                                  OIC Taxonomie: Courants artistiques (oic_taxonomie_courants_artistiques)    Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0
 OIC                                  OIC Taxonomie: Période historique (oic_taxonomie_periode_historique)        Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0
 opac                                 Koha connector (koha_connector)                                             Module  Not installed  7.x-1.3
 opac                                 opac (opac)                                                                 Module  Not installed  7.x-2.3
 opac                                 Opac ASIN (opac_asin)                                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-2.3
 opac                                 opac authorities (opac_authorities)                                         Module  Not installed  7.x-2.3
 opac                                 Opac Items (opac_items)                                                     Module  Not installed  7.x-2.3
 opac                                 Opac Marc (opac_marc)                                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-2.3
 opac                                 opac register (opac_register)                                               Module  Not installed  7.x-2.3
 opac                                 opac users (opac_users)                                                     Module  Not installed  7.x-2.3
 Other                                404 Navigation (navigation404)                                              Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0
 Other                                Adaptive Image (adaptive_image)                                             Module  Not installed  7.x-1.4
 Other                                Advanced Help Example (help_example)                                        Module  Not installed  7.x-1.6
 Other                                Backup and Migrate Files (backup_migrate_files)                             Module  Not installed  7.x-1.x-dev
 Other                                Basic authentication login (restws_basic_auth)                              Module  Not installed  7.x-2.8
 Other                                Block Class (block_class)                                                   Module  Not installed  7.x-2.4
 Other                                Boxes (boxes)                                                               Module  Not installed  7.x-1.2
 Other                                Composer Manager Security Advisories (composer_manager_sa)                  Module  Not installed  7.x-1.8
 Other                                Conditional Stylesheets (conditional_styles)                                Module  Not installed  7.x-2.2
 Other                                CORS (cors)                                                                 Module  Not installed  7.x-1.3
 Other                                CSS3PIE (css3pie)                                                           Module  Not installed  7.x-2.1
 Other                                Custom Pagers (custom_pagers)                                               Module  Not installed  7.x-1.x-dev
 Other                                Diff (diff)                                                                 Module  Not installed  7.x-3.4
 Other                                Elements (elements)                                                         Module  Not installed  7.x-1.5
 Other                                embeddable (embeddable)                                                     Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0-alpha3
 Other                                Entity Autocomplete (entity_autocomplete)                                   Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0-beta4
 Other                                Entity tokens (entity_token)                                                Module  Not installed  7.x-1.9
 Other                                Entity view modes (entity_view_mode)                                        Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0-rc1
 Other                                Environment indicator (environment_indicator)                               Module  Not installed  7.x-2.9
 Other                                Environment indicator variables (environment_indicator_variable)            Module  Not installed  7.x-2.9
 Other                                Facebook Like Button (fblikebutton)                                         Module  Not installed  7.x-2.6
 Other                                Footnotes field/block (footnotes_field)                                     Module  Not installed  7.x-2.6
 Other                                Footnotes with Views (footnotes_views)                                      Module  Not installed  7.x-2.6
 Other                                Gravatar (gravatar)                                                         Module  Not installed  7.x-1.1
 Other                                HTML title (html_title)                                                     Module  Not installed  7.x-1.6
 Other                                Image javascript crop (imagecrop)                                           Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0-rc3
 Other                                Job Scheduler Trigger (job_scheduler_trigger)                               Module  Not installed  7.x-2.0
 Other                                jQuery Table Of Contents (toc)                                              Module  Not installed  7.x-1.1
 Other                                MediaElement.js (mediaelement)                                              Module  Not installed  7.x-1.3
 Other                                Menu Block (menu_block)                                                     Module  Not installed  7.x-2.8
 Other                                Menu Block Export (menu_block_export)                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-2.8
 Other                                Nice Menus (nice_menus)                                                     Module  Not installed  7.x-2.5
 Other                                Node Adoption (node_adoption)                                               Module  Not installed  7.x-1.1
 Other                                Node Option Premium (nopremium)                                             Module  Not installed  7.x-1.1
 Other                                OpenID Admin (openidadmin)                                                  Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0
 Other                                Pathauto Persistent State (pathauto_persist)                                Module  Not installed  7.x-1.4
 Other                                Pop-Up Player (pup)                                                         Module  Not installed  7.x-1.x-dev
 Other                                Publish Content (publishcontent)                                            Module  Not installed  7.x-1.4
 Other                                Queue UI (queue_ui)                                                         Module  Not installed  7.x-2.0-rc1
 Other                                Redirect (redirect)                                                         Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0-rc3
 Other                                RESTful web services (restws)                                               Module  Not installed  7.x-2.8
 Other                                Revisioning (revisioning)                                                   Module  Not installed  7.x-1.9
 Other                                Revisioning Scheduler (revisioning_scheduler)                               Module  Not installed  7.x-1.9
 Other                                Revisioning UX (revisioning_ux)                                             Module  Not installed  7.x-1.9
 Other                                Scald Quickstart (scald_quickstart)                                         Module  Not installed  7.x-1.12
 Other                                Scheduler (scheduler)                                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-1.5
 Other                                Search 404 (search404)                                                      Module  Not installed  7.x-1.6
 Other                                Simple Google Maps (simple_gmap)                                            Module  Not installed  7.x-1.4
 Other                                Site map (site_map)                                                         Module  Not installed  7.x-1.3
 Other                                Site Verification (site_verify)                                             Module  Not installed  7.x-1.2
 Other                                String Overrides (stringoverrides)                                          Module  Not installed  7.x-1.8
 Other                                String Overrides Migrate (stringoverrides_migrate)                          Module  Not installed  7.x-1.8
 Other                                Strongarm (strongarm)                                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-2.0
 Other                                Transliteration (transliteration)                                           Module  Not installed  7.x-3.2
 Other                                Twitter (twitter)                                                           Module  Not installed  7.x-5.11
 Other                                Twitter actions (twitter_actions)                                           Module  Not installed  7.x-5.11
 Other                                Twitter Last Tweet Field (twitter_last_tweet_field)                         Module  Not installed  7.x-5.11
 Other                                Twitter Post (twitter_post)                                                 Module  Not installed  7.x-5.11
 Other                                Twitter Signin (twitter_signin)                                             Module  Not installed  7.x-5.11
 Other                                Update Status Advanced Settings (update_advanced)                           Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0-rc1
 Other                                Views Boxes (views_boxes)                                                   Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0
 Other                                WEB Video Transcoder (web_video_transcoder)                                 Module  Not installed
 Panels                               Mini panels (panels_mini)                                                   Module  Not installed  7.x-3.9
 Panels                               Panel nodes (panels_node)                                                   Module  Not installed  7.x-3.9
 Panels                               Panels (panels)                                                             Module  Not installed  7.x-3.9
 Panels                               Panels In-Place Editor (panels_ipe)                                         Module  Not installed  7.x-3.9
 Path management                      Global Redirect (globalredirect)                                            Module  Not installed  7.x-1.6
 Printer, email and PDF versions      dompdf library handler (print_pdf_dompdf)                                   Module  Not installed  7.x-2.2
 Printer, email and PDF versions      EPUB version (print_epub)                                                   Module  Not installed  7.x-2.2
 Printer, email and PDF versions      mPDF library handler (print_pdf_mpdf)                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-2.2
 Printer, email and PDF versions      PDF version (print_pdf)                                                     Module  Not installed  7.x-2.2
 Printer, email and PDF versions      PHPePub library handler (print_epub_phpepub)                                Module  Not installed  7.x-2.2
 Printer, email and PDF versions      Printer-friendly pages (print)                                              Module  Not installed  7.x-2.2
 Printer, email and PDF versions      Printer-friendly pages UI (print_ui)                                        Module  Not installed  7.x-2.2
 Printer, email and PDF versions      Send by email (print_mail)                                                  Module  Not installed  7.x-2.2
 Printer, email and PDF versions      TCPDF library handler (print_pdf_tcpdf)                                     Module  Not installed  7.x-2.2
 Printer, email and PDF versions      wkhtmltopdf library handler (print_pdf_wkhtmltopdf)                         Module  Not installed  7.x-2.2
 Scald Providers                      Scald Flash (scald_flash)                                                   Module  Not installed  7.x-1.12
 Scald Providers                      Scald Video (scald_video)                                                   Module  Not installed  7.x-1.12
 Search                               Database search (search_api_db)                                             Module  Not installed  7.x-1.7
 Search Toolkit                       Current Search Blocks (current_search)                                      Module  Not installed  7.x-1.6
 Search Toolkit                       FacetAPI Alias (facetapi_alias)                                             Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0
 Search Toolkit                       Path Facets (path_facets)                                                   Module  Not installed
 SEO                                  Metatag (metatag)                                                           Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 SEO                                  Metatag Importer (metatag_importer)                                         Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 SEO                                  Metatag: App Links (metatag_app_links)                                      Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 SEO                                  Metatag: Context (metatag_context)                                          Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 SEO                                  Metatag: Dublin Core (metatag_dc)                                           Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 SEO                                  Metatag: Dublin Core Advanced (metatag_dc_advanced)                         Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 SEO                                  Metatag: Facebook (metatag_facebook)                                        Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 SEO                                  Metatag: favicons (metatag_favicons)                                        Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 SEO                                  Metatag: Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) (metatag_google_cse)             Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 SEO                                  Metatag: Google+ (metatag_google_plus)                                      Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 SEO                                  Metatag: hreflang (metatag_hreflang)                                        Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 SEO                                  Metatag: Mobile & UI Adjustments (metatag_mobile)                           Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 SEO                                  Metatag: OpenGraph (metatag_opengraph)                                      Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 SEO                                  Metatag: OpenGraph Products (metatag_opengraph_products)                    Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 SEO                                  Metatag: Panels (metatag_panels)                                            Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 SEO                                  Metatag: Pinterest (metatag_pinterest)                                      Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 SEO                                  Metatag: Twitter Cards (metatag_twitter_cards)                              Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 SEO                                  Metatag: Verification (metatag_verification)                                Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 SEO                                  Metatag: Views (metatag_views)                                              Module  Not installed  7.x-1.27
 SEO                                  Page Title (page_title)                                                     Module  Not installed  7.x-2.7
 Services                             Services (services)                                                         Module  Not installed  7.x-3.27
 Services                             Services Entity (services_entity)                                           Module  Not installed  7.x-2.0-alpha8
 Services                             Services Entity Reference (services_entityreference)                        Module  Not installed  7.x-2.0-alpha8
 Services                             Services Views (services_views)                                             Module  Not installed  7.x-1.4
 Services - authentication            OAuth Authentication (services_oauth)                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-3.27
 Services - resources                 UUID Services (uuid_services)                                               Module  Not installed  7.x-1.3
 Services - servers                   REST Server (rest_server)                                                   Module  Not installed  7.x-3.27
 Services - servers                   XMLRPC Server (xmlrpc_server)                                               Module  Not installed  7.x-3.27
 Sharing                              ShareThis (sharethis)                                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-2.13
 Social media                         Social media (socialmedia)                                                  Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0-beta16
 Spam control                         Hidden CAPTCHA (hidden_captcha)                                             Module  Not installed  7.x-1.2
 Spam control                         Image CAPTCHA (image_captcha)                                               Module  Not installed  7.x-1.7
 Spam control                         reCAPTCHA (recaptcha)                                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-2.3
 Statistics                           Piwik Web Analytics (piwik)                                                 Module  Not installed  7.x-2.12
 Tabvn                                custom (custom)                                                             Module  Not installed
 Tabvn                                custom_blog (custom_blog)                                                   Module  Not installed
 Tabvn                                custom_image_style (custom_image_style)                                     Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0
 Tabvn                                Portfolio page (portfolio)                                                  Module  Not installed
 Tabvn                                portfolio_type (portfolio_type)                                             Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0
 Tabvn                                widget (widget)                                                             Module  Not installed
 Taxonomy                             Taxonomy CSV import/export (taxonomy_csv)                                   Module  Not installed  7.x-5.11
 Taxonomy                             Taxonomy Manager (taxonomy_manager)                                         Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0
 User interface                       CKEditor (ckeditor)                                                         Module  Not installed  7.x-1.19
 User interface                       Collapsiblock (collapsiblock)                                               Module  Not installed  7.x-1.1
 User interface                       Footnotes Wysiwyg (footnotes_wysiwyg)                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-2.6
 User interface                       Gallery Formatter (galleryformatter)                                        Module  Not installed  7.x-1.5
 User interface                       ImageZoomer (imagezoomer)                                                   Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0
 User interface                       jCarousel (jcarousel)                                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-2.7
 User interface                       Superfish (superfish)                                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-1.9
 UUID                                 Universally Unique ID (uuid)                                                Module  Not installed  7.x-1.3
 UUID                                 UUID Path (uuid_path)                                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-1.3
 Variable                             Variable views (variable_views)                                             Module  Not installed  7.x-2.5
 Views                                Views Accordion (views_accordion)                                           Module  Not installed  7.x-1.6
 Views                                Views Bulk Operations (views_bulk_operations)                               Module  Not installed  7.x-3.5
 Views                                Views Conditional (views_conditional)                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-1.3
 Views                                Views Data Export (views_data_export)                                       Module  Not installed  7.x-3.2
 Views                                Views Distinct (views_distinct)                                             Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0
 Views                                Views Field View (views_field_view)                                         Module  Not installed  7.x-1.2
 Views                                Views Responsive Grid (views_responsive_grid)                               Module  Not installed  7.x-1.3
 Views                                Views Slideshow (views_slideshow)                                           Module  Not installed  7.x-3.10
 Views                                Views Slideshow Simple Pager (views_slideshow_simple_pager)                 Module  Not installed  7.x-3.10
 Views                                Views Slideshow: Cycle (views_slideshow_cycle)                              Module  Not installed  7.x-3.10
 Views                                Views Slideshow: Galleria (views_slideshow_galleria)                        Module  Not installed  7.x-3.2
 Webform                              Webform multiple file (webform_multiple_file)                               Module  Not installed  7.x-1.0-beta4
 Core                                 Garland (garland)                                                           Theme   Disabled       7.72
 Core                                 Stark (stark)                                                               Theme   Disabled       7.72
 Other                                Bootstrap (bootstrap)                                                       Theme   Disabled       7.x-3.26
 Other                                CELL Bootstrap (bootstrap_cell)                                             Theme   Disabled
steinmb commented 3 years ago

More cleanup of source tree.

drush -l cellproject.local pml --status='not installed' | grep -c ""
290 modules

7af35d1a (HEAD -> master, origin/master) Modules to be disabled in production. 88c9680a Remove unused Facebook Autopost modules 232cbd90 Remove unused flexslider_views_slideshow module 3ccf5106 Remove unused socialmedia modules 0a02fbe9 Remove unused OIC modules 661f3676 Remove unused opacmodules 3a1615eb Remove unused taxonomy modules 09a4f804 Remove unused module piwik 5f735175 Remove all unused content-analysis modules 5143c738 Remove feeds_oai_pmh patch found f8f82b93 Remove all unused Feeds related modules 95798aff Remove all unused services modules 20772a3b Remove all unused services modules 09b3c776 Remove all UUID modules 7019ac13 Remove all unused SEO afeefa79 Remove all unused SEO 6f51e55f Remove all unused Views related modules f38b27f1 Remove Bootstrap 3.x base theme cd666bd6 Remove not used custom theme bootstrap_cell 223973dc Init commit of cell setup module

~/sites/cellproject/vendor/bin/drush -l cellproject.local pml --status='not installed' | grep -c ""

Down to 208. Not bad but a lot left. Fund multiple copies of modules also laying around.

steinmb commented 3 years ago

@deheckman - Down to 79. That is a number I can live with on deploy. Created issue #19 to make sure we take a look at the libraries left behind.

~/sites/cellproject/vendor/bin/drush -l cellproject.local pml --status='not installed' | grep -c ""

c77053d0 (HEAD -> master, origin/master) Module Foonotes needed by installation d9dd5b6c Moved all modules to a single directory 104bb400 Issue 8 Remove webform_multiple_file modules a0acbe2c Issue 8 Remove simple_gmap modules fb2c108a Issue 8 Remove search_api_db modules e16f8763 Issue 8 Remove revisioning modules 57cc20c9 Issue 8 Remove restws modules 03934720 Issue 8 Remove galleryformatter modules fb84e8a8 Issue 8 Remove ckeditor modules 42cc975e Issue 8 Remove views_boxes modules 56d341f3 Issue 8 Remove update_advanced modules 9bf72580 Issue 8 Remove transliteration modules a90f4e24 Issue 8 Remove strongarm modules e9291621 Issue 8 Remove strongarm modules 0a0da073 Issue 8 Remove stringoverrides modules a8e7e31d Issue 8 Remove site_verify modules 1e7b0763 Issue 8 Remove site_map modules 0d58d023 Issue 8 Remove search_api_db modules ba57120c Issue 8 Remove search404 modules 56141151 Issue 8 Remove redirect modules 2af3f9f6 Issue 8 Remove queue_ui modules 2f25db68 Issue 8 Remove publishcontent modules b8acf783 Remove print module local lib d3b89559 Issue 8 Remove node_adoption modules b2906acc Issue 8 Remove l10n_client modules b89e2845 Issue 8 Remove jcarousel modules 19c7c645 Issue 8 Remove html5_tools modules 01450135 Issue 8 Remove hidden_captcha modules be4efdfe Issue 8 Remove front_page modules 068979cd Issue 8 Remove entity_view_mode modules af7e6cef Issue 8 Remove embeddable modules ddfab1d1 Issue 8 Remove custom_pagers modules c804fa4a Issue 8 Remove pathauto_persist modules 863a20e4 Issue 8 Remove openidadmin modules daf03f20 Issue 8 Remove nice_menus modules dd27cb2a Issue 8 Remove TOC modules 8a7aec07 Issue 8 Remove imagezoomer modules 0a9a9984 Issue 8 Remove footnotes modules 8fc32e5f Issue 8 Remove entity_autocomplete modules 591e589e Issue 8 Remove backup_migrate_files modules 6a14844d Issue 8 Remove navigation404 modules 7ad92437 Issue 8 Remove adaptive_image modules 5e9d8322 Issue 8 Remove Custom family of modules 32e3740c Issue 8 Remove recaptcha modules 6664a34f Issue 8 Remove sharethis modules cee25c6c Issue 8 Remove facetapi_alias modules 848a2ceb Issue 8 Remove path_facets modules dfbea35a Issue 8 Remove print modules 12ff6725 Issue 8 Remove globalredirect modules 1dd4ce60 Issue 8 Remove panels modules c00880b8 Issue 8 Remove twitter modules 8b7a91c3 Issue 8 Remove nopremium modules 87800a31 Issue 8 Remove menu_block 320e4e8f Issue 8 Remove imagecrop 39467367 Issue 8 Remove html_title modules 454482f4 Issue 8 Remove environment_indicator d9e0dbdc Issue 8 Remove gravatar 8c8c4bb2 Issue 8 Remove Elements 25a174db Issue 8 Remove cors modules ce0f762d Issue 8 Remove diff 0fe16592 Issue 8 Remove boxes 2bf4a438 Issue 8 Remove oauth modules 540ea153 Issue 8 Remove i18n_boxes 08b1ca59 Issue 8 Remove Migrate drupal to drupal 8baef579 Issue 8 Remove cs_adaptive_image 1b923b82 Issue 8 Remove flowplayer e8b912b7 Issue 8 Remove jplayer dfdd3bdb Issue 8 Remove Media modules 5c325abe Issue 8 Remove lauth modules 8b0891d4 Issue 8 Remove wysiwyg_filter 8e82b83e Issue 8 Remove toc_filter 2c7b2268 Issue 8 Remove cincopa 101cf7b8 Issue 8 Remove markdown 8a0b684d Issue 8 Remove manualcrop 5318bbde Issue 8 Remove geshifilter c8ea7b50 Issue 8 Remove field_permissions 29404d86 Issue 8 Remove addressfield fc79e4c0 Issue 8 Remove maxlength 49ff8ad7 Issue 8 Remove fences c10871b5 Issue 8 Remove computed_field beddf501 Issue 8 Remove uuid_features and features b2669631 Issue 8 Remove fb_social b11b1b05 Issue 8 Remove delete_all 0a43f9b7 Issue 8 Remove search_krumo e88a6b42 Issue 8 Remove date_ical 587b158b Issue 8 Remove css3pie 1062c4a8 Issue 8 Remove conditional_styles and fields 6f9a273f Issue 8 Remove colorbox a4f97511 Issue 8 Remove collapsiblock 43837b33 Issue 8 Remove block_class 8cb4a953 Issue 8 Remove Facebook Like Button 045ce24e Moved all modules module directory 1e0c8a85 Moved all modules module directory e2c8eddc Moved all libraries into same directory ebc21107 Moved all custom modules into same directory 6b5a1941 Moved all ajout-nt2 modules into same directory