smcclatchy / studyGroup

A data science study group for The Jackson Laboratory and nearby institutions.
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Writers Group #22

Closed smcclatchy closed 7 years ago

smcclatchy commented 8 years ago

We'll follow Joshua Schimel's Writing Science: How to write papers that get cited and proposals that get funded.

Dr. Schimel hosts 3 webinars that follow the book. Framing the story: structure Language Flow

For today's session we'll do exercise 2.1.

Exercises 2.1 Analyze published papers. Identify key story points. Did the authors do a good job of highlighting the story? How far along the flow from data to understanding did the paper go? Could they have taken it further? Please add your own references beneath each category if you have chosen other papers. Please identify key story points by typing beneath each reference. For highlights, flow, etc., type your responses or state them verbally, or both.