smclab / caldav-sync

Liferay Calendar connector for CalDAV
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Which Android client has been successfully tested so that I can try it too? #63

Open icarrara opened 1 year ago

icarrara commented 1 year ago

Hi all. Thank you in advance for any help.

I installed the 4 modules on Liferay Portal CE, the deployment happens without any error.

From Android smartphone I tried different CalDAV clients but with all I get the error:

code="501", msg="Method [PROPFIND] is not implemented by this Servlet for this URI", uri=/.well-known/caldav code="500", msg="", uri=/webdav/user/calendar/37361

Please, which Android client has been successfully tested so that I can try it too?

icarrara commented 1 year ago

I'm trying rel_5.2.0 and I get the same errors in Liferay Liferay Portal CE

Please, which Android app has been successfully tested so that I can try it too?

Thank you in advance for any help.

mmariuzzo commented 1 year ago

We are daily using 5.1.x with CalDAV-Sync and DAVx5. Release 5.2.x and master have no new features at the moment.

Which authentication method are you using? If suppose only BasicAuth is allowed

icarrara commented 1 year ago

@mmariuzzo grazie per la tua risposta.

Ho appena provato con il client davx5-ose-4.3.5-ose-release.apk scaricato da qui:

Uso la URL via HTTPS e normali credenziali in chiaro, ma su client Android (Galaxy S22) non si riesce a creare l'account.

Se hai tempo di darci un'occhiata, allego il log che il client DAVx5 genera a seguito del fallimento a collegarsi con Liferay Portal CE sul quale è installato caldav-sync rel_5.2.0.

L'unica cosa che ho fatto di diverso rispetto alle note di questo progetto è avere compilato il modulo caldav-sync con JDK 11 anzichè 8.

Grazie anticipatamente per ogni suggerimento. logs.txt

mmariuzzo commented 1 year ago

Gradle script force java 8 as source and target compatibility, so jdk11 instead of jdk8 should not be a problem.

Uhm, Galaxy S22 is on Android 12 or 13? I think I'm able to redo some test on Android 12 but I have to check internally for Android 13 devices.

I'll let you know ASAP

icarrara commented 1 year ago

Galaxy S22 is on Android 13.

In my previous post I attached the log.txt where you can find the whole interaction between LP and davx5-ose-4.3.5-ose-release client.

I'll try to find and older phone too but if the problem is about Android versions, it cuts large part of users to use the integration.

mmariuzzo commented 11 months ago

Apologize for the delay.

I can confirm there is bug with Liferay 7.4 GA45+ we haven't noted in our code (release process ends even test fails :-) ). I'll implement a fix asap.

To answer your original question, we support

icarrara commented 11 months ago

@mmariuzzo thank you very much for your effort on this.

Please consider me at your disposal to perform other tests or other useful things.

mmariuzzo commented 11 months ago

v5.2.1 released. I've tested with Android 9 to 13 and the CalDAV apps stated before.

Let me know if you found other problems. I'm waiting you check to close the issue

icarrara commented 11 months ago

I just compiled modules with 'liferay.workspace.product=portal-7.4-ga88' in and then deployed in Portal.

I tried both DAVx5 and CalDAV-Sync but still I can't syncronize calendars.

Below the Portal log about the deploy of the modules: INFO [fileinstall-directory-watcher][BundleStartStopLogger:68] STARTED it.smc.calendar.caldav_5.2.1 [1611] INFO [fileinstall-directory-watcher][BundleStartStopLogger:68] STARTED it.smc.calendar.caldav.display_5.2.0 [1608] INFO [fileinstall-directory-watcher][BundleStartStopLogger:68] STARTED it.smc.calendar.caldav.helper.service_5.2.0 [1610] INFO [fileinstall-directory-watcher][BundleStartStopLogger:68] STARTED it.smc.calendar.caldav.helper.api_5.2.0 [1609]

I setup an account on server so you can be free to try:

Attached the screen shoots from the two apps on Android 13:

CalDAV-Sync debug info DAVx5 4 3 5 1-ose debug info

Attached you can find also the DAVx5 debug-info and logs files: debug-info.txt

I hope I attached useful infos.

Please let me know if I can do some other tests.

mmariuzzo commented 11 months ago

Hi, I've found some other problems on GA64+ testable with normal caldav client.

We are investigating on it and improve out test procedure.

You could "unshare" the server. I hope to have good news asap.