smd111 / Gearswap-Skillup

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Stops working after a few hours or after recieving a /tell but still says "(Skillup" Started) #12

Open Yagamyi opened 5 years ago

Yagamyi commented 5 years ago

Not sure if its stopping due to someone /telling me or bc it was on for 4 hours.

NokoFace commented 5 years ago

This happened with me and summoning magic. A friend also experienced this with healing magic, but I never had this problem with blue magic. It'd go fine for a while, then when I'd wake up it had just stopped. Wasn't out of mp, still said it was activated, and when I tried to start it up again it'd cast one or 2 spells and then stop again. Have to reload the entire gearswap addon to get it to work again.

My only theory is it had something to do with the area. Both summoning and healing were done in the Phomiuna Aqueducts, however I did blue magic in Riverne - Site #A01 near the home point.

madantichris commented 5 years ago

Summoning should be fixed after my last patch. I ran into the same issue with Blue Magic, but never got time to troubleshoot it. I'm currently unsubscribed, so I won't be making any more fixes in the short term.