smd111 / Gearswap-Skillup

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Auto Rest? #2

Closed vleango closed 9 years ago

vleango commented 9 years ago

Hello, just wondering if the script supports auto-rest? I tried the script and my character doesn't do it after depleting his MP. The only option I used was "Start Summoning Magic" from the menu.

Thank you.

vleango commented 9 years ago

Nevermind... I think my pointer was on the menu and that caused it to not work.

smd111 commented 9 years ago

the only one i know of that has issues in healing when using blu

vleango commented 9 years ago

I found the cause of SMN not resting.

If the avatar is still out, and MP goes to 0, the avatar is desummoned on its own. The script tries to release it but the message "That action requires a pet" appears. Then the script breaks.

I think if we can detect "That action requires a pet" to start resting and continue the cycle of summoning again should be good.

smd111 commented 9 years ago

there is just one issue i cant reproduce it and if i cant reproduce it there is no way for me to fix it

vleango commented 9 years ago

How have you tried to reproduce it? It occurs very often. Probably 1 out of every 3 times of summoning and resting using the script.

If you run the script like normal, there's a chance for the player's MP to deplete to 0 while the avatar is still out before the /release command is made. When that happens then the error ("That action requires a pet" is displayed on the console) occurs and the script breaks.

smd111 commented 9 years ago

by running each Healing/Geomancy/Enhancing/Ninjutsu/Singing/Blue/Summoning for an at lest an hour each the only one that has ever stopped on me was Blue and why that happened i dont know and have tried to figure it out for months

Q. are you using this on the live version of FFXI and not on a private server??

smd111 commented 9 years ago

i just uploaded a new version please try it out

vleango commented 9 years ago

It now says

>> ja "Release" <me>
... A command error occurred.

And then the character stands there until I run the script again and he goes to /heal.

smd111 commented 9 years ago

just pushed another one try that

vleango commented 9 years ago

it's back to

That action requires a pet.

(after the avatar is released on its own since the character is out of MP

smd111 commented 9 years ago

try the new one

vleango commented 9 years ago

It is constantly showing

Unable to cast spells at this time.

And it seems that Use Geo's Refresh breaks the script when an avatar is out.

After turning off Geo's Refresh, the /heal did seem to work though. MP was running low, my character went to /heal mode while the avatar was out and the avatar released itself after MP has been drained to zero.

vleango commented 9 years ago

After the full /heal, the message Unable to cast spells at this time. does not appear anymore.

vleango commented 9 years ago

The /heal looks good though. Avatar was summoned. MP went to 0. Avatar released on its own. Character went to /heal. I will leave my game on for the next 1/2 hour - 1 hour to see how it goes. Thanks for your hard work.

smd111 commented 9 years ago

always skill up with the job you want to skill as the main job

And it seems that Use Geo's Refresh breaks the script when an avatar is out.

if you try to skill up smn with GEO/SMN you will get that error because GEO uses a pet and you can only have 1 pet

Unable to cast spells at this time

this usually occurs if you dont wait for ffxi to catch up when you stop the skill up tool and then restart it

vleango commented 9 years ago

My job is SMN/GEO

strevorrow commented 8 years ago

This issue is still prominent and has consistently occurred when skilling up summoning magic and running out of MP.

smd111 commented 8 years ago

i just ran it for 4 hrs with out an issue with SMN/GEO it takes me more then an hr to get low enuf MP to require healing

and the only things i dont have capped yet are any skills that are higher then the others on these jobs GEO,SCH,RUN