smd111 / Gearswap-Skillup

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command not found #6

Closed justinmd1911 closed 8 years ago

justinmd1911 commented 8 years ago

I am new to this gearswap, so please bear with me. I have downloaded the skillup lua file, and copied it to the data folder. When i attempt to load the file, it states GearSwap: Command not found. I was curious if i have to place the file someplace else to be recognized?

smd111 commented 8 years ago

gearswap is windowers addon replacement for spellcast

the correct command is(you should be able to copy past it in to your windower command line) gs l skillup.lua l = small L i prefer to put my files in to gearswap/data/ so for you (using your github name seance i dont want or need to know your ffxi char name) gearswap/data/justinmd1911 but it should work from gearswap/data

justinmd1911 commented 8 years ago

Awesome, seems that the l = small L i mistook for a 1. I appreciate the quick response as well.

justinmd1911 commented 8 years ago

Working like a champ now!

smd111 commented 8 years ago

ok have fun with it