smdn / Smdn.Devices.MCP2221

.NET library for controlling MCP2221/MCP2221A USB2.0 to I2C/UART Protocol Converter with GPIO
MIT License
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[Linux][HIDSharp] System hangs while I2C read #1

Open smdn opened 3 years ago

smdn commented 3 years ago

HIDSharp problem?

repro code

using System;

using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console;

using Smdn.Devices.MCP2221;

var services = new ServiceCollection();

  builder => builder
    .AddSimpleConsole(static options => options.SingleLine = true)
    .AddFilter(static level => LogLevel.Trace <= level)

await using var device = await MCP2221.OpenAsync(services.BuildServiceProvider());

var address = new I2CAddress(0x20); // MCP23017

await device.I2C.WriteByteAsync(address, 0x12); // GPIOA

var buffer = new byte[2];

await device.I2C.ReadAsync(address, buffer); // System hangs here


dotnet build /p:UsbHidDriver=HIDSharp && stdbuf -o0 dotnet run --no-build &> test.log



(no log recorded)


(no log recorded)


.NET SDK (global.json を反映):
 Version:   5.0.202
 Commit:    db7cc87d51

 OS Name:     ubuntu
 OS Version:  20.04
 OS Platform: Linux
 RID:         ubuntu.20.04-x64
 Base Path:   /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/5.0.202/

Host (useful for support):
  Version: 5.0.5
  Commit:  2f740adc14
wulinzhou commented 2 years ago

i have test read and write function, it is some time ok for i2c Buffer[0] = 0x00; Buffer[1] = 0x00; device.I2C.Write(wlcadd,Buffer,0,2); int num = device.I2C.Read(wlcadd,Buffer,0,16); Console.WriteLine("Read {0}",num); Console.WriteLine(BitConverter.ToString(Buffer));

smdn commented 2 years ago

@wulinzhou Thank you for testing and reporting!