smeathers / lede-pi0w-usb

Getting USB Ethernet working on the Pi0w with an install of LEDE
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Needed to add 'usb0' device to the LAN network (br-lan) #1

Open PaulSchulz opened 6 years ago

PaulSchulz commented 6 years ago


Thank you for this HOW-TO.

I am not very familiar with openwrt (yet) but in order to the dhcp server on the RaspberryPi Zero to serve an addres over the USB cable, I needed to add the 'usb0' interface to the LAN network - via LuCI. (Not sure how to do this from uci.)

This was missing from your instructions, but once set, everythign worked as expected.

After following your instructions I was able to communicate over USB by setting static IP addresses on both ends (while also connected via Wifi). I was fighting Ubuntu's NetworkManager, so this didn't last long before being stomped on.

Cheers, Paul

daharing commented 4 years ago

Could you please describe how you were able to do this using LuCI? I'm not sure how to reach LuCI once I connect it to the internet router as a client.

Edit: I have access to LuCI now after enabling WAN access to it. But what settings did you change within LuCI exactly?