Open char0n opened 4 years ago
I've create a Plug specifically for API usecase for anybody looking for API only solution:
defmodule SetLocale.Api do
@moduledoc """
Module for setting locale from Accept-Language header.
This implementation is appropriate for API use-cases only.
The only thing this plug does is determining the locale from
the `Accept-Language` header and setting the locale to gettext.
The options for the plugs are
- gettext: mandatory
- default_locale: mandatory, used as last step in fallback chain
- additional_locales: optional, if given it allows to whitelist locales that are not defined via Gettext. Possible scenario: You want to use Gettext and some SaaS localization service (e.g. in parallel. Whitelisting these additional languages allows you to have proper routing for the locales and trigger the wanted JS behaviour depending on the assigned locale in your templates.
import Plug.Conn
defmodule Config do
@moduledoc "Struct for SetLocale config."
@enforce_keys [:gettext, :default_locale]
defstruct [:gettext, :default_locale, additional_locales: []]
def init(opts) when is_tuple(hd(opts)), do: struct!(Config, opts)
def call(%Plug.Conn{} = conn, config) do
requested_locale = determine_locale(conn, config)
if supported_locale?(requested_locale, config) do
if Enum.member?(config.additional_locales, requested_locale) do
Gettext.put_locale(config.gettext, config.default_locale)
Gettext.put_locale(config.gettext, requested_locale)
Gettext.put_locale(config.gettext, config.default_locale)
assign(conn, :locale, requested_locale)
defp determine_locale(conn, config) do
determined_locale = get_locale_from_header(conn, config)
if supported_locale?(determined_locale, config),
do: determined_locale,
else: config.default_locale
defp get_locale_from_header(conn, gettext) do
|> SetLocale.Headers.extract_accept_language()
|> Enum.find(nil, fn accepted_locale -> supported_locale?(accepted_locale, gettext) end)
defp supported_locale?(locale, config), do: Enum.member?(supported_locales(config), locale)
defp supported_locales(config),
do: Gettext.known_locales(config.gettext) ++ config.additional_locales
Would you be interested in PR ? To merge this we'd need to consolidate some code to be able to reuse as much as possible from the original implementation.
This library is great, but doesn't support API usecase. I have an API and want to use
as a simple mechanism to read theAccept-Language
header and setting the locale without any redirects and reading cookies etc. Have you thought about supporting API usecases ?