smeighan / nutcracker

RGB Effects builder for Chistmas Animations
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Nutcracker Feature Request: Sampling #68

Open SteveGase opened 10 years ago

SteveGase commented 10 years ago

Nutcracker is great, but there is likely to be places where individual channel control in LSP, S3 or Vixen comes in handy to get just the "right" effect. For example, you might have an arch that does cascading effects, or a candy cane that grows up, and then back to the ground... or maybe some peppermint candy or coroflakes that have a wagon wheel effect.

I'd like to be able to "capture" or "sample" an effect... creating a macro, and then use it liberally across my various objects in nutcracker.

I don't want to edit the effects in LSP, and then be unable to touch those channels through the course of a song.

Requested behavior:

1) In LSP I create my effects for an object, maybe I have an entire song in LSP with lots of channel data.

2) In Nutcracker (NC) I import that LSP sequence.

3) In NC, I create an object (ie. "Star") that defines the channels I want to capture.

4) In NC, I select only the object "Star" that I am interested in capturing. I can play the existing LSP channel data associated with that object if I choose.

5) [NEW] In NC, I use a pull-down menu item "Capture..." that give me a dialog asking for the object in a drop-down list, the start/end times, and a filename for the captured channel data. When saving the data, the channel info should be normalized to start at channel 1 (origChannel - diff = 1) and all other channels should have "diff" subtracted from their value. The time begins at 0:00 and extends to the length of the snippet (end-start).

5**) the files that are saved can be shared with other users,

6) [NEW] A new effect is available... it allows a capture file to to be specified. When selecting the effect, the channels are applied to the selected model "MyStar1", "MyStar2", etc.

7) [NEW] The new effect allows the user to specify playback rate.. maybe a range of 500% (slow) or "5%" fast. It also allows the effect to be played back in reverse. Maybe, stretch the effect to play in the assigned time period N times, forward, or forward-then-reverse.

I suspect the NC team has thought of the feature already -- they tend to be many jumps ahead of anything I suggest... but I thought that getting it into the queue would be useful.

Thanks! Steve