smeijer / leaflet-geosearch

A geocoding/address-lookup library supporting various api providers.
MIT License
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Error: Bounds are not valid (React-Leaflet) #167

Open antoniovj1 opened 6 years ago

antoniovj1 commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to integrate this library with React-Leaflet in the following way.

var provider = new EsriProvider();
class Search extends MapControl {

  createLeafletElement() {

    return GeoSearchControl({
      provider:  provider,
      style: 'bar',
      showMarker: true,
      showPopup: false,
      autoClose: true,
      retainZoomLevel: false,
      animateZoom: true,
      keepResult: false,
      searchLabel: 'search'
 return (
                center={[39, -104]}
                { this.props.children }

                    zoomInTitle="Zoom in"
                    zoomOutTitle="Zoom out"


                <Search />

            attribution="&amp;copy <a href=&quot;;>OpenStreetMap</a> contributors"

And I'm getting the next error:

leaflet-src.js:2548 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Bounds are not valid.
    at NewClass.fitBounds (leaflet-src.js:2548)
    at NewClass.centerMap (leafletControl.js:406)
    at NewClass.showResult (leafletControl.js:340)
    at NewClass.<anonymous> (leafletControl.js:323)
    at eval (eval at processIncludes (runtime.js:36), <anonymous>:3:4725)

I'm doing something wrong or is a bug in the library?


hancocb commented 6 years ago

I did not get the exact same error as you, but I was able to get the plugin working with leaflet-react v2 by wrapping my custom component with the withLeaflet() component (see Creating custom components).

import { Map, TileLayer, Marker, MapControl, Popup, withLeaflet } from "react-leaflet";
import { GeoSearchControl, OpenStreetMapProvider } from "leaflet-geosearch";

class AddressControl extends MapControl {
  createLeafletElement() {
    const provider = new OpenStreetMapProvider();
    return GeoSearchControl({ provider: provider });
class MyMap extends React.Component {
  render() {
    const AddressSearch = withLeaflet(AddressControl);
    return (
      <Map ...>
        <AddressSearch />

Don't forget to add the leaflet-geosearch CSS too.

skipjack commented 6 years ago

@hancocb thanks for sharing, that basically worked for me although I'm seeing some CORB errors for the tile requests when I actually select a location and the map is panned by this plugin.

Shubham-Sinha commented 5 years ago

How can I listen submit event on this custom element?

Felipedelima123 commented 3 years ago

I was having this same problem, also with react leaflet. I used as @hancocb mentioned, but still not working. I figured out, that if I change the property: retainZoomLevel to true it works. For those who still getting this problem, change to somenthing like:

createLeafletElement() {
    const provider = new OpenStreetMapProvider();
    return GeoSearchControl({
      showMarker: false,
      showPopup: false,
      retainZoomLevel: true, 
      animateZoom: false,
      autoClose: false,
      searchLabel: 'Digite sua busca aqui',
      keepResult: false,

Maybe we are going to receive a fix for this?

smeijer commented 3 years ago

Maybe we are going to receive a fix for this?

A PR would be nice.

mostafaznv commented 2 years ago

retainZoomLevel: true saved my life. thank you @Felipedelima123

proyer-maxar commented 1 year ago

I'm experiencing this issue with 3.7 and leaflet 1.9.2. The error goes away with retainZoomLevel: true but I'd really like it to zoom to the searched location.

Map.js:291 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Bounds are not valid. at NewClass.fitBounds (Map.js:291:1) at NewClass.centerMap (SearchControl.ts:469:1) at NewClass.showResult (SearchControl.ts:404:1) at SearchControl.ts:389:1