smhaller / ldap-overleaf-sl

Free LDAP and OAuth2 Authentication and Authorisation for Sharelatex / Overleaf (Community Edition)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
74 stars 35 forks source link

Update to Sharelatex 4.0 #26

Closed yzx9 closed 12 months ago

yzx9 commented 1 year ago

ShareLatex 4.0.0 has been released since 2023-05-30 and brings serveral features. Are there any updates planed?

I'd like to raise a PR if you can point out what needs to be changed.

Release Brief

microbearlogist commented 1 year ago

Hi @yzx9 and @smhaller,

I'm trying to compare your changes to the overleaf 4.04 files, without success so far. Do you know how to get a debug of the login function under overleaf?

smhaller commented 1 year ago

I used the following to debug:

i would be happy to receive a pull request

i think the main changes need to be done in the following files:

microbearlogist commented 1 year ago

Thanks! I'm not promising anything with my beginner level, but I won't hesitate to open a PR if I make any progress :)

yzx9 commented 1 year ago

I am working on my forked branch.

gizmo1-11 commented 1 year ago

I am working on my forked branch.

* [x]  sync changes from upstream

* [ ]  test

It's not working. I build the image with sharelatex:latest (4.0.5)

In AuthenticationManager.js->ldapAuth line 319

var uid ="@")[0]

"split" crashes. It seems that "query" is empty.

But when I set "mail" and "uid" with prefilled values it crashes like this:

node:events:491 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^

Error: hash argument required at Object.getRounds (/overleaf/node_modules/bcrypt/bcrypt.js:228:15) at Object.checkRounds (/overleaf/services/web/app/src/Features/Authentication/AuthenticationManager.js:557:34) at Object.login (/overleaf/services/web/app/src/Features/Authentication/AuthenticationManager.js:196:27) at createIfNotExistAndLogin (/overleaf/services/web/app/src/Features/Authentication/AuthenticationManager.js:253:29) at /overleaf/services/web/app/src/Features/Authentication/AuthenticationManager.js:444:9 at /overleaf/services/web/node_modules/mongoose/lib/model.js:5267:18 at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:78:11) Emitted 'error' event on Function instance at:

gizmo1-11 commented 1 year ago

That problem with split var uid ="@")[0] happens only the first time, when the ldap-user tries to login.

The user is found in ldap and saved in mongo-db, but the login is not successful

All following tries to login from the saved user crash with

node:events:491 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^ Error: hash argument required at Object.getRounds (/overleaf/node_modules/bcrypt/bcrypt.js:228:15) at Object.checkRounds (/overleaf/services/web/app/src/Features/Authentication/AuthenticationManager.js:557:34)

gizmo1-11 commented 1 year ago

`const Settings = require('@overleaf/settings') const { User } = require('../../models/User') const { db, ObjectId } = require('../../infrastructure/mongodb') const bcrypt = require('bcrypt') const EmailHelper = require('../Helpers/EmailHelper') const { InvalidEmailError, InvalidPasswordError, ParallelLoginError, PasswordMustBeDifferentError, PasswordReusedError, } = require('./AuthenticationErrors') const util = require('util') const HaveIBeenPwned = require('./HaveIBeenPwned') const UserAuditLogHandler = require('../User/UserAuditLogHandler') const logger = require('@overleaf/logger') const DiffHelper = require('../Helpers/DiffHelper') const Metrics = require('@overleaf/metrics')

const { Client } = require('ldapts'); const ldapEscape = require('ldap-escape'); const fs = require('fs');

const BCRYPT_ROUNDS = || 12 const BCRYPT_MINOR_VERSION = || 'a' const MAX_SIMILARITY = 0.7

function _exceedsMaximumLengthRatio(password, maxSimilarity, value) { const passwordLength = password.length const lengthBoundSimilarity = (maxSimilarity / 2) passwordLength const valueLength = value.length return ( passwordLength >= 10 valueLength && valueLength < lengthBoundSimilarity ) }

const _checkWriteResult = function (result, callback) { // for MongoDB if (result && result.modifiedCount === 1) { callback(null, true) } else { callback(null, false) } }

function _validatePasswordNotTooLong(password) { // bcrypt has a hard limit of 72 characters. if (password.length > 72) { return new InvalidPasswordError({ message: 'password is too long', info: { code: 'too_long' }, }) } return null }

function _metricsForSuccessfulPasswordMatch(password) { const validationResult = AuthenticationManager.validatePassword(password) const status = validationResult === null ? 'success' : validationResult?.info?.code'check-password', { status }) return null }

const AuthenticationManager = {

_checkUserPassword(query, password, callback) { // Using Mongoose for legacy reasons here. The returned User instance // gets serialized into the session and there may be subtle differences // between the user returned by Mongoose vs mongodb (such as default values) User.findOne(query, (error, user) => { if (error) { return callback(error) } if (!user || !user.hashedPassword) { return callback(null, null, null) }, user.hashedPassword, function (error, match) { if (error) { return callback(error) } if (match) { _metricsForSuccessfulPasswordMatch(password) } callback(null, user, match) }) }) },

_checkUserPassword2(query, password, callback) { // leave original _checkUserPassword untouched, because it will be called by // setUserPasswordInV2 (e.g. UserRegistrationHandler.js ) User.findOne(query, (error, user) => {

  AuthenticationManager.authUserObj(error, user, query, password, callback)



authUserObj(error, user, query, password, callback) { if ( process.env.ALLOW_EMAIL_LOGIN && user && user.hashedPassword) { //console.log("email login for existing user " + // check passwd against local db, user.hashedPassword, function (error, match) { if (match) { //console.log("Local user password match") _metricsForSuccessfulPasswordMatch(password) //callback(null, user, match) AuthenticationManager.login(user, "randomPass", callback) } else { //console.log("Local user password mismatch, trying LDAP") // check passwd against ldap AuthenticationManager.ldapAuth(query, password, AuthenticationManager.createIfNotExistAndLogin, callback, user) } }) } else { // No local passwd check user has to be in ldap and use ldap credentials AuthenticationManager.ldapAuth(query, password, AuthenticationManager.createIfNotExistAndLogin, callback, user) } return null },

login(user, password, callback) { callback(null, user, true) },

createIfNotExistAndLogin(query, user1, callback, uid, firstname, lastname, mail, isAdmin) { if (!user1) { //console.log("Creating User:" + JSON.stringify(query)) //create random pass for local userdb, does not get checked for ldap users during login let pass = require("crypto").randomBytes(32).toString("hex") //console.log("Creating User:" + JSON.stringify(query) + "Random Pass" + pass)

  const userRegHand = require('../User/UserRegistrationHandler.js')
    email: mail,
    first_name: firstname,
    last_name: lastname,
    password: pass
  function (error, user, setNewPasswordUrl) {
    if (error) {
    } = mail
    user.isAdmin = isAdmin
    user.emails[0].confirmedAt =
    //console.log("user %s added to local library: ", mail)
    User.findOne(query, (error, user) => {
      if (error) {
      if (user && user.hashedPassword) {
        AuthenticationManager.login(user, "randomPass", callback)
  }) // end register user
} else {
  AuthenticationManager.login(user, "randomPass", callback)


async ldapAuth(query, password, onSuccessCreateUserIfNotExistent, callback, user) {

const client = (fs.existsSync(process.env.LDAP_SERVER_CACERT)) 
  ?  new Client({
       url: process.env.LDAP_SERVER,
       tlsOptions: {
         ca: [ fs.readFileSync(process.env.LDAP_SERVER_CACERT) ],
  :  new Client({
       url: process.env.LDAP_SERVER

const ldap_reader = process.env.LDAP_BIND_USER
const ldap_reader_pass = process.env.LDAP_BIND_PW
const ldap_base = process.env.LDAP_BASE

var mail =
var uid ='@')[0]
var firstname = ""
var lastname = ""
var isAdmin = false
var userDn = ""

//replace all appearences of %u with uid and all %m with mail:
const replacerUid = new RegExp("%u", "g")
const replacerMail = new RegExp("%m","g")
const filterstr = process.env.LDAP_USER_FILTER.replace(replacerUid, ldapEscape.filter`${uid}`).replace(replacerMail, ldapEscape.filter`${mail}`) //replace all appearances
// check bind
try {
  if(process.env.LDAP_BINDDN){ //try to bind directly with the user trying to log in
    userDn = process.env.LDAP_BINDDN.replace(replacerUid,ldapEscape.filter`${uid}`).replace(replacerMail, ldapEscape.filter`${mail}`);
    await client.bind(userDn,password);
  }else{// use fixed bind user
    await client.bind(ldap_reader, ldap_reader_pass);
} catch (ex) {
    console.log("Could not bind user: " + userDn);
    console.log("Could not bind LDAP reader: " + ldap_reader + " err: " + String(ex))
  return callback(null, null)

// get user data
try {
  const {searchEntries, searchRef,} = await, {
    scope: 'sub',
    filter: filterstr ,
  await searchEntries
  if (searchEntries[0]) {
    mail = searchEntries[0].mail
    uid = searchEntries[0].uid
    firstname = searchEntries[0].givenName
    lastname = searchEntries[0].sn
    if(!process.env.LDAP_BINDDN){ //dn is already correctly assembled
      userDn = searchEntries[0].dn
    console.log("Found user: " + mail + " Name: " + firstname + " " + lastname + " DN: " + userDn)
} catch (ex) {
  console.log("An Error occured while getting user data during ldapsearch: " + String(ex))
  await client.unbind();
  return callback(null, null)

try {
  // if admin filter is set - only set admin for user in ldap group
  // does not matter - admin is deactivated: managed through ldap
  if (process.env.LDAP_ADMIN_GROUP_FILTER) {
    const adminfilter = process.env.LDAP_ADMIN_GROUP_FILTER.replace(replacerUid, ldapEscape.filter`${uid}`).replace(replacerMail, ldapEscape.filter`${mail}`)
    adminEntry = await, {
      scope: 'sub',
      filter: adminfilter,
    await adminEntry;
    //console.log("Admin Search response:" + JSON.stringify(adminEntry.searchEntries))
    if (adminEntry.searchEntries[0]) {
      console.log("is Admin")
} catch (ex) {
  console.log("An Error occured while checking for admin rights - setting admin rights to false: " + String(ex))
  isAdmin = false;
} finally {
  await client.unbind();
if (mail == "" || userDn == "") {
  console.log("Mail / userDn not set - exit. This should not happen - please set mail-entry in ldap.")
  return callback(null, null)

if(!process.env.BINDDN){//since we used a fixed bind user to obtain the correct userDn we need to bind again to authenticate
  try {
    await client.bind(userDn, password);
  } catch (ex) {
    console.log("Could not bind User: " + userDn + " err: " + String(ex))
    return callback(null, null)
  } finally{
    await client.unbind()

//console.log("Logging in user: " + mail + " Name: " + firstname + " " + lastname + " isAdmin: " + String(isAdmin))
// we are authenticated now let's set the query to the correct mail from ldap = mail

User.findOne(query, (error, user) => {
  if (error) {
  if (user && user.hashedPassword) {
    console.log("******************** LOGIN ******************")
    AuthenticationManager.login(user, "randomPass", callback)
  } else {
    onSuccessCreateUserIfNotExistent(query, user, callback, uid, firstname, lastname, mail, isAdmin)


authenticate(query, password, auditLog, callback) { if (typeof callback === 'undefined') { callback = auditLog auditLog = null } AuthenticationManager._checkUserPassword2( query, password, (error, user, match) => { if (error) { return callback(error) } if (!user) { return callback(null, null) } const update = { $inc: { loginEpoch: 1 } } if (!match) { update.$set = { lastFailedLogin: new Date() } } User.updateOne( { _id: user._id, loginEpoch: user.loginEpoch }, update, {}, (err, result) => { if (err) { return callback(err) } if (result.modifiedCount !== 1) { return callback(new ParallelLoginError()) } if (!match) { if (!auditLog) { return callback(null, null) } else { return UserAuditLogHandler.addEntry( user._id, 'failed-password-match', user._id, auditLog.ipAddress,, err => { if (err) { logger.error( { userId: user._id, err, info: }, 'Error while adding AuditLog entry for failed-password-match' ) } callback(null, null) } ) } } AuthenticationManager.checkRounds( user, user.hashedPassword, password, function (err) { if (err) { return callback(err) } callback(null, user) HaveIBeenPwned.checkPasswordForReuseInBackground(password) } ) } ) } ) },

validateEmail(email) { const parsed = EmailHelper.parseEmail(email) if (!parsed) { return new InvalidEmailError({ message: 'email not valid' }) } return null },

// validates a password based on a similar set of rules to complexPassword.js on the frontend // note that passfield.js enforces more rules than this, but these are the most commonly set. // returns null on success, or an error object. validatePassword(password, email) { if (password == null) { return new InvalidPasswordError({ message: 'password not set', info: { code: 'not_set' }, }) }'try-validate-password')

let allowAnyChars, min, max
if (Settings.passwordStrengthOptions) {
  allowAnyChars = Settings.passwordStrengthOptions.allowAnyChars === true
  if (Settings.passwordStrengthOptions.length) {
    min = Settings.passwordStrengthOptions.length.min
    max = Settings.passwordStrengthOptions.length.max
allowAnyChars = !!allowAnyChars
min = min || 8
max = max || 72

// we don't support passwords > 72 characters in length, because bcrypt truncates them
if (max > 72) {
  max = 72

if (password.length < min) {
  return new InvalidPasswordError({
    message: 'password is too short',
    info: { code: 'too_short' },
if (password.length > max) {
  return new InvalidPasswordError({
    message: 'password is too long',
    info: { code: 'too_long' },
const passwordLengthError = _validatePasswordNotTooLong(password)
if (passwordLengthError) {
  return passwordLengthError
if (
  !allowAnyChars &&
) {
  return new InvalidPasswordError({
    message: 'password contains an invalid character',
    info: { code: 'invalid_character' },
if (typeof email === 'string' && email !== '') {
  const startOfEmail = email.split('@')[0]
  if (
    password.includes(email) ||
    password.includes(startOfEmail) ||
  ) {
    return new InvalidPasswordError({
      message: 'password contains part of email address',
      info: { code: 'contains_email' },
  try {
    const passwordTooSimilarError =
      AuthenticationManager._validatePasswordNotTooSimilar(password, email)
    if (passwordTooSimilarError) {'password-too-similar-to-email')
      return new InvalidPasswordError({
        message: 'password is too similar to email address',
        info: { code: 'too_similar' },
  } catch (error) {
      { error },
      'error while checking password similarity to email'
  // TODO: remove this check once the password-too-similar checks are active?
return null


setUserPassword(user, password, callback) { AuthenticationManager.setUserPasswordInV2(user, password, callback) },

checkRounds(user, hashedPassword, password, callback) { // Temporarily disable this function, TODO: re-enable this if ( { return callback() } // check current number of rounds and rehash if necessary const currentRounds = bcrypt.getRounds(hashedPassword) if (currentRounds < BCRYPT_ROUNDS) { AuthenticationManager._setUserPasswordInMongo(user, password, callback) } else { callback() } },

hashPassword(password, callback) { // Double-check the size to avoid truncating in bcrypt. const error = _validatePasswordNotTooLong(password) if (error) { return callback(error) } bcrypt.genSalt(BCRYPT_ROUNDS, BCRYPT_MINOR_VERSION, function (error, salt) { if (error) { return callback(error) } bcrypt.hash(password, salt, callback) }) },

setUserPasswordInV2(user, password, callback) { if (!user || ! || !user._id) { return callback(new Error('invalid user object')) } const validationError = this.validatePassword(password, if (validationError) { return callback(validationError) } // check if we can log in with this password. In which case we should reject it, // because it is the same as the existing password. AuthenticationManager._checkUserPassword( { _id: user._id }, password, (err, _user, match) => { if (err) { return callback(err) } if (match) { return callback(new PasswordMustBeDifferentError()) }

      (error, isPasswordReused) => {
        if (error) {
          logger.err({ error }, 'cannot check password for re-use')

        if (!error && isPasswordReused) {
          return callback(new PasswordReusedError())

        // password is strong enough or the validation with the service did not happen
        this._setUserPasswordInMongo(user, password, callback)


_setUserPasswordInMongo(user, password, callback) { this.hashPassword(password, function (error, hash) { if (error) { return callback(error) } db.users.updateOne( { _id: ObjectId(user._id.toString()) }, { $set: { hashedPassword: hash, }, $unset: { password: true, }, }, function (updateError, result) { if (updateError) { return callback(updateError) } _checkWriteResult(result, callback) } ) }) },

_passwordCharactersAreValid(password) { let digits, letters, lettersUp, symbols if ( Settings.passwordStrengthOptions && Settings.passwordStrengthOptions.chars ) { digits = Settings.passwordStrengthOptions.chars.digits letters = Settings.passwordStrengthOptions.chars.letters lettersUp = Settings.passwordStrengthOptions.chars.lettersup symbols = Settings.passwordStrengthOptions.chars.symbols } digits = digits || '1234567890' letters = letters || 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' lettersUp = lettersUp || 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' symbols = symbols || '@#$%^&*()-=+[]{};:<>/?!£€.,'

for (let charIndex = 0; charIndex <= password.length - 1; charIndex++) {
  if (
    digits.indexOf(password[charIndex]) === -1 &&
    letters.indexOf(password[charIndex]) === -1 &&
    lettersUp.indexOf(password[charIndex]) === -1 &&
    symbols.indexOf(password[charIndex]) === -1
  ) {
    return false
return true



AuthenticationManager.promises = { authenticate: util.promisify(AuthenticationManager.authenticate), hashPassword: util.promisify(AuthenticationManager.hashPassword), setUserPassword: util.promisify(AuthenticationManager.setUserPassword), }

module.exports = AuthenticationManager`

gizmo1-11 commented 1 year ago

the above code works for me, I build with sharelatex 4.0.5 and took the Dockerfile from yzx9 I don't know how to post the file here, so that the code looks nice

yzx9 commented 1 year ago

the above code works for me, I build with sharelatex 4.0.5 and took the Dockerfile from yzx9 I don't know how to post the file here, so that the code looks nice

I'm so sorry for my delay. I have synced your update to my fork, but still don't test it. You can copy it, test it, and raise a PR if you like. Thanks for your contribution.

BTW, only a single line of code can be inserted between a single backtick. you can insert code between three backticks before and after if multiple lines of code is needed, like this:

`` ` // -> should no space
`` ` // -> should no space
gizmo1-11 commented 1 year ago

the above code works for me, I build with sharelatex 4.0.5 and took the Dockerfile from yzx9 I don't know how to post the file here, so that the code looks nice

I'm so sorry for my delay. I have synced your update to my fork, but still don't have time to test it. You can copy it, test it, and raise a PR if you like. Thanks for your contribution.

BTW, only a single line of code can be inserted between a single backtick. you can insert code between three backticks before and after if multiple lines of code is needed, like this:

`` ` // -> should no space
`` ` // -> should no space

Oh, thanks.

Maybe you can change FROM sharelatex/sharelatex:3.3.2 to FROM sharelatex/sharelatex:4.0.5

in your Dockerfile.

microbearlogist commented 1 year ago


Coming back from vacation. I tried the code from the sharelatex40 branch of your repo @yzx9 , without success until now (overleaf automatically shutdown without any debug message).

Could you please confirm @gizmo1-11 that the code on yzx9 repo corresponding to your? (seems ok according to your long paste but you may use a different version)

Never mind, it works (did not clean properly docker cached imaged before rebuild). In the meantime, the user and admin panels are not functional (the changes seems to be quite significant).