smhill001 / Photometry

Basic Stellar Photometry
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Plotting meta-data and star lists for processing #1

Closed smhill001 closed 7 years ago

smhill001 commented 7 years ago

As of the initial commit, the software uses plotting meta-data for Vega from the file SpecPlotConfig.txt, but then reads and plots results for multiple stars from the configuration file BroadBandPhotometry.txt. This file is really a specific list of stars to be processed at once. Probably, multiple instances of this file should exist for different analysis scenarios. In addition, the plotting metadata needs to be handled more cleanly for these multiple star plots.

smhill001 commented 7 years ago

Because many of the stars in the initial data set are double stars, e.g., 70-Oph, yet are observed in the same FITS data file, I need a refinement in meta data. The refinement is so that a single path, e.g., '.../Stars/70-Oph/...' suffices to locate the data file yet there is the ability to provide multiple photometry target locations within that file. So a field named either "Component" or "Target" will be added to BroadBandPhotometry.txt. In addition, the column currently titled "Instrument" will be split into "Optics" and "Camera" since they can serve as primary key for different attributes.

smhill001 commented 7 years ago

This has been completed. However, there is an ambiguity between the nomenclature "Target" in the context of this configuration file versus the usage in the code that should be resolved.