Closed JanMikes closed 4 years ago
I consider this code dangerous for publication in driver phpCH.
1) This code is not tested, or rather not tested at all
2) i`m think it is isolated and does not apply to the client / driver
3) I do not want to claim that your code deleted me the entire database )))
4) There are different implementations of this now I have this code in prod
private function getPartitions($table,$days_ago)
if ($days_ago<3) $days_ago=3;
( table=\'' . $table . '\' OR table=\'.inner.view_' . $table . '\'
AND database=\'xxxx\'
AND modification_time<toDateTime(now()-3600*24*'.$days_ago.')
AND max_date<toDateTime(now()-3600*24*'.$days_ago.')';
return $this->ch()->select($sql)->rows();
$days_ago = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 04:00:00', strtotime('-' . $days_int_ago . ' day')));
$this->msg("clean $dbt find rows partitions = ".sizeof($list_patitions).' by days='.$days_int_ago);
foreach ($list_patitions as $partion_id => $partition) {
$max_date = strtotime($partition['max_date']);
if ($max_date < $days_ago) {
$drop[$partition['partition_id']] = $partition;
foreach ($drop as $partition_id=>$partition) {
$this->msg("Drop {$partition['table']} , $partition_id on {$partition['max_date']} size = ".$this->humanFileSize($partition['data_compressed_bytes']));
$sql='ALTER TABLE `'.$partition['table'].'` DROP PARTITION ID \''.$partition_id.'\'';
We have in our CI detection for deprecated methods and we got reports that
is deprecated.Please what is the reason of being deprecated and is there any suggested replacement? Is it same reason as #82 so we should copy this code to our codebase?
It would be awesome to add reason or replacement suggestions to deprecation annotations to prevent opening this kind of issues :-).
Thank you!