Closed SebGGruber closed 6 years ago
Problem is basically in the title. I tested with CartPole-v0 + AgentDQN and ran 100 learning iterations. Got the same predictions for all i in 1:100 with perf$list_models[[i]]$pred(...). Am I missing something here, or is this a bug?
Greetings, Sebastian
I think this is a bug also in Keras, see keras issue here I will fix it soon
fixed, Latest commit d1ab927
Problem is basically in the title. I tested with CartPole-v0 + AgentDQN and ran 100 learning iterations. Got the same predictions for all i in 1:100 with perf$list_models[[i]]$pred(...). Am I missing something here, or is this a bug?
Greetings, Sebastian