smiley22 / S22.Xmpp

S22.Xmpp is an easy-to-use and well-documented .NET assembly for communicating with an XMPP server. It supports basic Instant Messaging and Presence funtionality as well as a variety of XMPP extensions.
MIT License
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register new jabber account question #5

Open cybergogic opened 9 years ago

cybergogic commented 9 years ago

Can't find a full example code for CAPTCHA registration, etc

pgstath commented 9 years ago

S22, currently seems not active, I have forked a version at Sharp.Xmpp. However, such an example it not available in either versions.

cybergogic commented 9 years ago

I tried to used jabber-net dll and agsXMPP, but In-Band registration with Captcha (XEP-0077 and XEP-0158) doesn't work in this both. Please, let me know if you get any decision. Thanks, Egor (