smimram / satex

String diagrams in LaTeX.
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Label shifted upward when used inside tikzcd #3

Closed Leo-Schelstraete closed 4 months ago

Leo-Schelstraete commented 4 months ago

The label of a string diagram is slightly shifted upward when used inside a tikzcd environment:



The above was produced with the following MWE, with the command lines pdflatex main.tex > satex main.satex > pdflatex main.tex:



smimram commented 4 months ago

satex generates tikzpicture environments, so that your example is equivalent to

  \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding,yscale=-1,scale=0.5,every path/.style={join=round,cap=round},]
    \draw (0.000000,0.000000) -- (0.000000,0.500000);
    \draw (0.000000,0.500000) -- (0.000000,1.000000);
    \filldraw[fill=white] (0.000000,0.500000) ellipse (0.300000 and 0.300000);
    \draw (0.000000,0.500000) node[] {$\scriptstyle f$};

which produces the same result. I have to investigate whether there is a way of making this work. If you have ideas...

smimram commented 4 months ago
