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Suddenly video playback fails - error fetching video manifest #71

Open smirgol opened 2 weeks ago

smirgol commented 2 weeks ago

I'm not sure what is happening here, but after a while (I always suspend my Kodi), it suddenly fails to play any video. Investigating the logs shows that inputstream is failing to retrieve the manifest for the video, but the credentials provided to the call should be all valid. A reboot fixes the issue 100%, but it really is annoying...

Not sure what is going on here and how to fix that, if anyone has an idea how to debug this further or even what is going on here / how to fix that, I'm all ears. :)

Yavos commented 2 weeks ago

I've run into this error too. Usually either waiting for a bit or reloading the plugin (opening another one, then cr again) fixes that for me. The error seems to come from cr servers, probably with outdated data or something. Maybe in such cases a forced reload of the request (possibly including a re-login) could solve that? Not sure how to catch that error in code, though.

justin-petermann commented 1 week ago

Hi, same problem, after few days of activity, error message when i play video. i must reboot raspberry for working again. If i found something, i'll post here. best regards, Justin.

smirgol commented 5 days ago

What's super annoying is that there seems to be no way to intercept this error and react on it. The addon sets up inputstreamhelper and hands over the data for playback back to kodi and then, inside inputstreamhelper, there is a CCurl error, but I can't intercept it - at least I haven't figured out how.

Anyway, I fail to understand the issue in the first place. The authentication can't be outdated, since just a second ago I made a couple of authenticated calls to fetch all the necessary data. If the authentication would be outdated, it should have been updated already. There might be some weird and super unlikely racing condition, but then with another playback attempt it should work. But it doesn't. sighs