smirzaei / rails-session-decoder

[UNMAINTAINED] Decode Rails 4.x session in node.js
MIT License
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Decrypted text encoding #5

Open bsh185 opened 8 years ago

bsh185 commented 8 years ago

Im facing an issue where the output has binary text in it I"session_id:ETI"% screenshot from 2016-08-21 13-59-16

smirzaei commented 8 years ago

Can you post a sample? (cookie, secret and the desired output)

Something like this

hmatsuda commented 7 years ago

Hi @bsh185

I got a same issue. If your rails app cookie serializer is using marshal, maybe you should parse data using marshal instead of JSON.parse.

var secret = '52541783ebfc236dc27e1d83cba2a4144b484897995bdf4d9a9977623987ee10b6e690d3c4218ebc50eccfb68f5babc3db0fcb131d3fbbce142803a03ac500db';
var cookie = 'N0paYjIyWTNIOWgxV2VON0RCM1AvenZzQVNFeWY0elBoQkZ5SnN4OVAybXZQMEErV0VGa1luM2VmYTg4cEk0Y2paVUtMUW8xbEQyUE5VbFJ1OTZUeWJiODdYNkxZSWxvYUtiaE1ucy9LM1BMUy8yd0N0ZExZQzYzUVFsaGZ4M044MjdOdWNJYWhMbW5HOTJpY2UzQUdBPT0tLWtuWk9IWVJpakpWak5oSmZ2d2VLbWc9PQ==--d4292397f777c8f79655884b3fcc241e4bc2fcf5';

var decoder = sessionDecoder(secret);
decoder.decodeCookie(cookie, function(err, result) {
   // if cookie serializer is json?

   // if (cookie serializer is marshal?
   var Marshal = require('marshal');
   var m = new Marshal(result, 'utf8');


kavitakanojiya commented 5 years ago

I am running into a similar issue: Even after decoding, I get: { I"session_id:ETI"%feac424e3fe892c51ebe4ec84bc79ba7;TI"warden.user.user.key;T[[iz�I""$2a$10$dpTCG/6wU74cUJuTxT89d.;TI"warden.user.user.session;T{I"access_uri;FI";TI"_csrf_token;FI"11CjiyLWWAVJ3CFJMz6ovfWAeZijcDJXsxlSwsZsS+po=;F So, Marshal throws: { [MarshalError: unsupported typecode 189 (index: 97, hex: bd, utf8: �)] name: 'MarshalError', message: 'unsupported typecode 189 (index: 97, hex: bd, utf8: �)' } { What is the issue here? Please advise.