smith-chem-wisc / FlashLFQ

Ultra-fast label-free quantification algorithm for mass-spectrometry proteomics
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Support for Percolator output files #103

Open wsnoble opened 2 years ago

wsnoble commented 2 years ago

It would be great if Percolator PSM-level tab-delimited output files could be supported by FlashLFQ. I looked into this, and there are two major and several minor challenges associated with making this happen.

The first major issue is that Percolator does not include the mzML file name, but only an integer file index, in the output file. This is obviously problematic, and it's something we can look into fixing on the Percolator end of things.

The second major issue is that Percolator does not include retention time. This is harder for us to fix, because this information is also not included in the outputs of many common search engines. It seems like, if you have the scan numbers in the Percolator output, it should be feasible for FlashLFQ to grab the RT from the mzML file. Is this doable?

The other minor issues are that Percolator does not have a "Base Sequence" column and that Percolator uses comma-delimited protein ID lists, rather than semi-colon delimited lists. These latter ones, along with differences in column naming, should be easy to handle.

Here is a tiny sample Percolator output file. sample.txt

trishorts commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the request Bill. Students are evaporating inverse to the proximity of the holiday. But we'll engage on this and see how we can accommodate you.

wsnoble commented 2 years ago

Ah, I thought "Scan" and "Retention Time" were two different column IDs, but it turns out it's a single column called "Scan Retention Time." Hence, my suggestion above does not make sense. Is there any way you could have an option to provide scan numbers instead of RTs?

trishorts commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the slow response. Just back from holiday.

I'd love to say that we'd accommodate you but I don't see an easy way to do it. All of the peak finding, etc. is based on time and time windows. With scan number, there is no straightforward way to convert. The time between MS1 scans is variable based on the number of MSn scans between, and that changes throughout the run. So, there is not a good way to look w/in a scan range. And the time for MS1s and MSns also varies, so no simply calculation can be performed. We'd need a time for each kind of scan. The easiest fix for us would be for you to add an additional column of retention time in minutes that percolator otherwise ignores. I'm happy to entertain other options if you can suggest some.

wsnoble commented 2 years ago

I think my suggestion perhaps was not clear. I totally agree that you need to get the RT associated with each scan. My suggestion was to enable a mode in which the input file specifies scan numbers and then the RT is read from the given mzML file.

For example, if you are using pyteomics to parse an mzml file, you can get the RT for each scan as follows:

from pyteomics.mzml import MzML

def get_rts(mzml_filename):
    "Extract retention times from an mzml file."

    rts = {} # Key = scan number, value = retention time
    mzml = MzML(mzml_filename)
    for scan in mzml:
        rts[scan["index"]] = scan["scanList"]["scan"][0]["scan start time"]
    sys.stderr.write(f"Read {len(rts)} RTs from {mzml_filename}.\n")


Requiring Percolator to report the RT is problematic because Percolator does not typically have access to the original mzML file. So we would have to require that every search engine report RT in its output file format, and that Percolator parse and report these RTs in its output. It seems much easier, since FlashLFQ receives the mzML file as input, for it to parse the RTs directly out of the given mzML files. Does this make sense?

trishorts commented 2 years ago

Yes. I will make an attempt. What are your plans for including filenames with file path in the percolator output? currently, there is only an integer. would you require users to make the substitution?

wsnoble commented 2 years ago

I am hoping we can add this functionality to Percolator directly. I'm waiting to hear from Lukas about this:

trishorts commented 2 years ago

I saw that issue cuz I am following the percolator issues. Glad you raised it. I'm already working on the coding updates to flashlfq that will allow retention time recovery from scan number.

can you confirm that "spectrum neutral mass" is the experimental neutral mass and "peptide mass" is the theoretical neutral mass?

I think I have that right but two minutes on google didn't eliminate my doubts.

wsnoble commented 2 years ago

Yes, that's right.

"The computed mass of the spectrum precursor at the given charge state. This is equal to the precursor m/z minus the mass of a proton (1.00727646677 Da), all multiplied by the charge."

"The mass of the peptide sequence, computed as the sum of the amino acid masses plus the mass of water (18.010564684 Da or 18.0153 Da, depending on whether we are using monoisotopic or average mass)."

trishorts commented 2 years ago

can you provide me with one raw/mzml file and its companion output so that I can test my code? I have one remaining concern about whats in the sequence column. we need to be able to parse that and compute peptide mass. The trick will be how ptms are annotated.

wsnoble commented 2 years ago

Here you go! Lemme know if you need more info.

(The raw file is too big to be attached -- will try to get it to you some other way.)

trishorts commented 2 years ago

thanks. i can make a box folder or you can. please invite

wsnoble commented 2 years ago

Here is a link:

trishorts commented 2 years ago

ptms annotated by mass shift sub-optimal.......[15.99] [79.97] we'll see what i can do

trishorts commented 2 years ago


wsnoble commented 2 years ago

Human. It's from here:

wsnoble commented 2 years ago

By "suboptimal" do you mean that it should be four digits of precision?

trishorts commented 2 years ago

no. like a name of a specific mod where we could have a specific chemical formula.

the two listed I can easily guess. but many mods from search engines are much more obscure and everyone likes to do things a little differently. The "field" lacks a convention, so it can be hard on downstream processing.

In MetaMorpheus, we specify the mod by full name and residue after the amino acid involved and we have a library that is used to look up the masses. not important for flashlfq, but we also include diagnostic ions and so forth in the library that are used for annotation. And, we have access to all the typical mod databases (unimod, uniprot,...).

Point is that with a nominal mass it is impossible to produce a chemical formula and without a chemical formula you can really make a great isotope envelope to match to the various MS1 and MS2 spectra. Sorta left w/ an averagine. I gotta see how I can deal w/ this.

wsnoble commented 2 years ago

OK, I finally got around to trying this out. I hacked a Percolator output file to swap out filenames for file indices based on the log file. But I'm having trouble getting it to work, presumably because of some issue around absolute versus relative pathnames. Also, I'm getting an error message saying that it can't read the first line, but I don't know what's wrong with it. Can you help figure this out?

Here is the command and output:

+ flashlfq --idt --rep /net/noble/vol2/user/kiahales/projects/plasmo-rdeep/data/ms2
Opening PSM file
Problem reading line 1 of the identification file; Could not interpret PSM header labels from file:
No peptide IDs for the specified spectra files were found! Check to make sure the spectra file names match between the ID file and the spectra files

trishorts commented 2 years ago

i'll look at it.

trishorts commented 2 years ago

can you get me one or two of the mzmls that i can use for trouble shooting?

wsnoble commented 2 years ago

It looks like the mzMLs were actually gzipped. I thought that might be the source of the problem, so I unzipped them but alas, still no luck (i.e., same error messages).

Here is a sample mzML:

trishorts commented 2 years ago


trishorts commented 2 years ago

not sure if this is the big problem but the sample file you gave me has an empty scan that is throwing an error: image

it is scan 7192 image

trishorts commented 2 years ago

The second problem I see is that one column header is fileidx instead of file_idx. Maybe the the column header changed in the output? I can make a pull request to take either if that is something that needs to be done. Please let me know on that.

trishorts commented 2 years ago

The third problem i see is in the protein id column. We need to be able to assign a protein to each psm. The conventional format that you showed me previously is for example "sp|P23588|IF4B_HUMAN" where "|" is the separator and there is an accession followed by a gene name. We need both pieces of info. In you example, the column has some other value that is not parsable. Your output is pasted below. Could probably deal w/o the gene name but we can't go back and forth between formats. The protein is necessary for grouping the intensities. So that has to be clean. image

trishorts commented 2 years ago

The one open question I have is still if we can read the paths that you have. I generally don't put the full path in the file_idx column. But then again I don't run on the commandline. i'll see if I can look into this.

trishorts commented 2 years ago

Manually deleting empty scans is problematic b/c of missing scan numbers. We do see dead scans on fast instruments. We like to throw errors where there is a problem w/ the input so that users know there is a problem w/ the input. But maybe it makes sense to just report the dropped scans and try to ignore them. I'll talk to the other devs about this. Tricky problme

wsnoble commented 2 years ago

Regarding the missing scan problem, I agree that it would be nice if the software could issue a warning in that case. If you don't like that, an alternative would be to introduce a command line option that controls this behavior (e.g., --missing-scans warn|fail). The default could be "fail," but the error message could advise the end user to switch to "--missing-scans warn" if they want to.

Regarding the column name, that's my bad. I inadvertently renamed the column when I was swapping in the filenames for the indices.

Regarding the protein IDs, unfortunately we have no control over what naming scheme our users employ. All we do is take the IDs from the FASTA file. If there are multiple protein IDs associated with a single peptide, these are separated with commas. I am not sure why you need both the accession and the gene name. Are you assuming that the proteins the user is interested will always be in a public database somewhere? I don't think we can assume that in general (e.g., a database generated from an RNA-seq sample).

trishorts commented 2 years ago

Regarding the protein IDs, unfortunately we have no control over what naming scheme our users employ. All we do is take the IDs from the FASTA file. If there are multiple protein IDs associated with a single peptide, these are separated with commas. I am not sure why you need both the accession and the gene name. Are you assuming that the proteins the user is interested will always be in a public database somewhere? I don't think we can assume that in general (e.g., a database generated from an RNA-seq sample).

We can take every unique string as "protein" name. That will mean that you would get proteins name "sp|P23588|IF4B_Human". I had made a parser based on your previous example data where accessions were separated by genes using the vertical bar.

If they don't mind post-processing everything, I guess it doesn't matter on our end. The gene, as you say, is unnecessary i believe. Can I assume all those PF3D7s should be treated is separate proteins?

trishorts commented 2 years ago

Regarding the missing scan problem, I agree that it would be nice if the software could issue a warning in that case. If you don't like that, an alternative would be to introduce a command line option that controls this behavior (e.g., --missing-scans warn|fail). The default could be "fail," but the error message could advise the end user to switch to "--missing-scans warn" if they want to.

I am updating our mzML reader to ignore empty scans and provide their scan numbers. see

wsnoble commented 2 years ago

Can I assume all those PF3D7s should be treated is separate proteins? Yes, any unique string delimited by commas is supposed to be a unique protein ID. I think those PF3D7s are different isoforms of Plasmodium proteins.

wsnoble commented 2 years ago

FWIW, when I update my header line to use file_idx instead of fileidx, the first error message goes away, but I get a new one:

$ flashlfq --idt --rep /net/noble/vol2/user/kiahales/projects/plasmo-rdeep/data/ms2
Opening PSM file
Problem reading line 1 of the identification file; One or more errors occurred. (!msOrder.HasValue || !isCentroid.HasValue) (!msOrder.HasValue || !isCentroid.HasValue) (!msOrder.HasValue || !isCentroid.HasValue)
No peptide IDs for the specified spectra files were found! Check to make sure the spectra file names match between the ID file and the spectra files
trishorts commented 2 years ago

Regarding the protein IDs, unfortunately we have no control over what naming scheme our users employ. All we do is take the IDs from the FASTA file. If there are multiple protein IDs associated with a single peptide, these are separated with commas. I am not sure why you need both the accession and the gene name. Are you assuming that the proteins the user is interested will always be in a public database somewhere? I don't think we can assume that in general (e.g., a database generated from an RNA-seq sample).

We can take every unique string as "protein" name. That will mean that you would get proteins name "sp|P23588|IF4B_Human". I had made a parser based on your previous example data where accessions were separated by genes using the vertical bar.

If they don't mind post-processing everything, I guess it doesn't matter on our end. The gene, as you say, is unnecessary i believe. Can I assume all those PF3D7s should be treated is separate proteins?

I just made a pull request to allow any string to be used as a protein group name. see

trishorts commented 2 years ago

FWIW, when I update my header line to use file_idx instead of fileidx, the first error message goes away, but I get a new one:

$ flashlfq --idt --rep /net/noble/vol2/user/kiahales/projects/plasmo-rdeep/data/ms2
Opening PSM file
Problem reading line 1 of the identification file; One or more errors occurred. (!msOrder.HasValue || !isCentroid.HasValue) (!msOrder.HasValue || !isCentroid.HasValue) (!msOrder.HasValue || !isCentroid.HasValue)
No peptide IDs for the specified spectra files were found! Check to make sure the spectra file names match between the ID file and the spectra files

FWIW, when I update my header line to use file_idx instead of fileidx, the first error message goes away, but I get a new one:

$ flashlfq --idt --rep /net/noble/vol2/user/kiahales/projects/plasmo-rdeep/data/ms2
Opening PSM file
Problem reading line 1 of the identification file; One or more errors occurred. (!msOrder.HasValue || !isCentroid.HasValue) (!msOrder.HasValue || !isCentroid.HasValue) (!msOrder.HasValue || !isCentroid.HasValue)
No peptide IDs for the specified spectra files were found! Check to make sure the spectra file names match between the ID file and the spectra files

if you look above, I mentioned that i see this error when the file has an empty scan. I just made a pull request that will skip those scans during file reading. you can look at it here: one these pull requests are merged I'd like you to try it again. I will try to post here when that has happened

trishorts commented 2 years ago

@wsnoble your latest issues have all been dealt w/ but we are waiting on a new release.

This percolator PR to add tab as protein separator came up on my radar. should i be concerned that your output will change again?

wsnoble commented 2 years ago

No, I don't think so. I think this is just a new option in the stand-alone version of Percolator. The Crux version already uses commas as the delimiter between protein IDs.

trishorts commented 2 years ago

there has been a new release of flashlfq that should address your latest concerns,

wsnoble commented 2 years ago

Thanks, I tried this out, but it is still giving an error about not finding the mzML file. Here is a rundown:

bash-4.2$ flashlfq --idt --rep /net/noble/vol2/user/kiahales/projects/plasmo-rdeep/data/ms2
Opening PSM file
Problem reading line 1 of the identification file; There is an error in XML document (16744, 18).
No peptide IDs for the specified spectra files were found! Check to make sure the spectra file names match between the ID file and the spectra files
bash-4.2$ flashlfq --version | head -2
Copyright ©  2017
bash-4.2$ awk 'NR < 3 {print $1}'
bash-4.2$ ls mzml/Pf_C1-593_MixES-Sol_SG-1_rKCTi_VO2_108.mzML

I am not sure how to interpret this message: "There is an error in XML document (16744, 18)." Does this mean that flashlfq did find an mzML file and failed to parse it? How do I interpret (16744, 18)? Is there any way to find out which file it's having trouble with?

trishorts commented 2 years ago

i wonder if it's simply a path problem. i don't ever work in linux system and i'm not sure how this works. maybe rob can comment? and you paste the first data line here?

wsnoble commented 2 years ago

Sorry, it was user error on my part. On the command line I used the absolute path but in the file I used a relative pathname. When I switched both to relative pathnames, it worked. At least, it's running now. It's been going about 10 minutes and using 3.2G of memory. Is there any option for it to report status updates while it's running (like % complete)?

trishorts commented 2 years ago

No there is not. Could try with a single file to test speed

trishorts commented 2 years ago

let us know if your run finished up.

wsnoble commented 2 years ago

No, it ran for about 8 hours and then dumped core. It looks like there is indeed a problem with how paths are handled on linux.

+ flashlfq --idt --rep mzml
Opening PSM file
Done reading PSMs; found 184806
Setup is OK; read in 184806 identifications; starting FlashLFQ engine
Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentException: Path cannot be the empty string or all whitespace. (Parameter 'path')
   at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(String path)
   at CMD.FlashLfqExecutable.Run(FlashLfqSettings settings) in C:\projects\flashlfq\CMD\FlashLFQExecutable.cs:line 202
   at CMD.FlashLfqExecutable.<>c.<Main>b__1_1(FlashLfqSettings options) in C:\projects\flashlfq\CMD\FlashLFQExecutable.cs:line 23
   at CommandLine.ParserResultExtensions.WithParsed[T](ParserResult`1 result, Action`1 action)
   at CMD.FlashLfqExecutable.Main(String[] args) in C:\projects\flashlfq\CMD\FlashLFQExecutable.cs:line 22
/net/gs/vol3/software/modules-sw/flashlfq/1.2.2/Linux/CentOS7/x86_64/flashlfq: line 4: 21766 Aborted                 (core dumped) ${INSTALL}/dotnet ${INSTALL}/CMD.dll "$@"
trishorts commented 2 years ago

maybe you could try your run (or a subset) on a windows machine to confirm that its linux specific. in the mean time I can look into the problem.

wsnoble commented 2 years ago

I wasn't able to try it on Windows, but I did try moving the Percolator output file into the same directory with the mzMLs and then editing the file itself and the command line to get rid of the directory name. That didn't help though: I got the same error as above.

wsnoble commented 2 years ago

I made a tiny (six-row) example file that does not have any directories in the mzml filename field (since I thought the slash versus backslash directory separator might be problematic). This relies on a single mzml file, which I will be happy to share (it's too big to attach here). This small example gives the same error:

flashlfq --idt --rep .
Opening PSM file
Done reading PSMs; found 5
Setup is OK; read in 5 identifications; starting FlashLFQ engine
Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentException: Path cannot be the empty string or all whitespace. (Parameter 'path')
   at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(String path)
   at CMD.FlashLfqExecutable.Run(FlashLfqSettings settings) in C:\projects\flashlfq\CMD\FlashLFQExecutable.cs:line 202
   at CMD.FlashLfqExecutable.<>c.<Main>b__1_1(FlashLfqSettings options) in C:\projects\flashlfq\CMD\FlashLFQExecutable.cs:line 23
   at CommandLine.ParserResultExtensions.WithParsed[T](ParserResult`1 result, Action`1 action)
   at CMD.FlashLfqExecutable.Main(String[] args) in C:\projects\flashlfq\CMD\FlashLFQExecutable.cs:line 22

trishorts commented 2 years ago

Thanks Prof. Noble. That will help, I'm finding a way to debug in WSL that might be helpful. image

trishorts commented 2 years ago

please share the mzml. i worked out how to test this.

wsnoble commented 2 years ago

wsnoble commented 2 years ago

Newsflash! Using full pathnames seems to fix the problem, at least partially. :)

$ flashlfq --idt /net/noble/vol1/home/noble/proj/2020_kiahales_rdeep/results/wnoble/2022-06-02flashlfq-small/ --rep /net/noble/vol1/home/noble/proj/2020_kiahales_rdeep/results/wnoble/2022-06-02flashlfq-small/
Opening PSM file /net/noble/vol1/home/noble/proj/2020_kiahales_rdeep/results/wnoble/2022-06-02flashlfq-small/
Done reading PSMs; found 5
Setup is OK; read in 5 identifications; starting FlashLFQ engine
Reading spectra file
Indexing MS1 peaks
Quantifying peptides for Pf_C1-593_MixES-Sol_SG-1_rKCTi_VO2_109
Checking errors
Finished Pf_C1-593_MixES-Sol_SG-1_rKCTi_VO2_109
Done quantifying
Analysis time: 0h 0m 16s
Writing output...
Finished writing output

The output files are attached. The NaNs in the protein file are somewhat concerning, but I'm guessing that is due to the tiny file I provided. QuantifiedPeaks.txt QuantifiedPeptides.txt QuantifiedProteins.txt