Closed nbollis closed 5 months ago
Attention: Patch coverage is 97.48744%
with 5 lines
in your changes missing coverage. Please review.
Project coverage is 92.89%. Comparing base (
) to head (c9a5d79
pretty cool. i only ever see yAmmoniaLoss. maybe we need unit tests for each of the ion types? sounds like lots of work...... I wonder if we paste a couple of example spectra into proteinprospector if it sees any other fragments.
That is a good idea and maybe a good starter project. Our current tests only truly test b, y, and c ions
is the top supposed to look like this?
i think that export spectrum library should maybe contain the newly annotated fragments.
is the top supposed to look like this?
This has been fixed
Enables the reanalysis of a fragmentation spectrum with additional fragment ion types.
The plotting methods use the MatchedIons of the psm that gets passed in to determine what to plot. To enable this functionality, I had to temporarily replace the fragment ions in the psm with the new matched ions, then put the original ions back in once the plotting has finished.
To use: have your normal MetaDraw Display
Select the additional ions you want to search for
His the search button. The persist check box will enable this research on all new PSMs you plot