smithachepuri / ios_training

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RottenTomatoes #1

Open smithachepuri opened 10 years ago

smithachepuri commented 10 years ago

My Rotten tomatoes app is complete with the following user stories completed, please review. @nesquena @timothy1ee @thecodepath.

  1. User can view a list of movies from Rotten Tomatoes. Poster images must be loading asynchronously.
  2. User can view movie details by tapping on a cell
  3. User sees loading state while waiting for movies API. You can use one of the 3rd party libraries here. 4.User sees error message when there's a networking error. You may not use UIAlertView to display the error. See this screenshot for what the error message should look like: network error screenshot. 5.User can pull to refresh the movie list. rottentomatoes
smithachepuri commented 10 years ago
