smiths / caseStudies

Case studies of (manual) documentation for scientific computing software
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Review MIS for GlassBR #105

Open smiths opened 6 years ago

smiths commented 6 years ago

The MIS for GlassBR has been completely revised:

Please have a look over the documentation. I would like us to do a design review. This will mean each of you providing questions/feedback/comments. I have decided to include everyone on this design review, since better quality here means better quality down the line. Not only will this design be the basis for the GlassBR code, something like this design will likely be the basis for the designs for the other cases studies.

The notation should be familiar to @niazim3 from CS 2ME3. In particular, some of the modules are abstract objects, and others are abstract data types. The module state machine idea comes from Hoffman and Strooper ( The use of abstract objects versus ADTs comes from Ghezzi et al. The mathematical notation comes from Gries and Schneider.

Question can be posted below. When an actual mistake/issue is noticed, please create a separate issue in GitHub. We are trying out the use of GitHub projects; we'll see how that goes.

After the design review, I'll ask you to implement the design in Python code. This new code will have little to do with the old code. Ideally we will also look at updating the code generator in Drasil. We will also include unit tests with this code. We may even do an implementation in other languages, like C# or Lua.

Please check off your name when you have completed your review: