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Case studies of (manual) documentation for scientific computing software
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SRS Review (GamePhysicsSRS) #0 #166

Open karolserkis opened 5 years ago

karolserkis commented 5 years ago

Hello @oluowoj

This first issue is not related to my review, but perhaps could be. Pardon my ignorance. I want to know how the TamiasMini2D (TM2D) 2D rigid body physics library, relates to the Chipmunk2D physics library? I assume this is a mini implementation of something similar, based on the name TamiasMini2D? There is no mention of this in the Introduction section or in Off the Shelf Solutions section. GamePhysicsSRS.pdf

However, if this is irrelevant perhaps you or @smiths could let me know.

oluowoj commented 5 years ago

Chipmunk2D is a physics library, and TM2D is also about creating a physics library to simulated 2d rigid bodies similar to Chipmunk, although the scope of TM2D is a lot smaller and simpler. TM2D will also be implemented in a different language.

About the Off the Shelf Solution: I wasn't really sure if I should keep this in the doc or not, so I did not bother editing this section, but I guess I will keep it in there if its okay with @smiths and I can add Chipmunk2D.

Hope this clarifies you question.

smiths commented 5 years ago

@oluowoj, the section Off the Shelf Solution isn't in "our" template, but it is included in many SRS templates. I like the idea of including it with the Game Physics Engine example. Yes, we should keep this section. (We might even want to add it as a standard part of the template.) 😄

Yes, please mention Chipmunk2D in the Off the Shelf Solutions section.