smiths / caseStudies

Case studies of (manual) documentation for scientific computing software
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SRS Review (GamePhysicsSRS) #2 #169

Closed karolserkis closed 3 years ago

karolserkis commented 5 years ago

Hello, @oluowoj

Some spelling mistakes:

  1. In section: 1 Revision History - Formatted is with two t's not one:

    October 4, 2018 & 1.1 & Formated the entire document to match blank template sample\

  2. In section: 6.2 Nonfunctional Requirements - in the first item, performing is missing an "r"

    System shall have short response time when perfoming


oluowoj commented 5 years ago

@karolserkis this has been updated. Ticket can be closed.

smiths commented 3 years ago

Maintenance of Game Physics has moved to the Drasil repo.