smiths / caseStudies

Case studies of (manual) documentation for scientific computing software
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SRS Review (GamePhysicsSRS) #6 #175

Closed karolserkis closed 3 years ago

karolserkis commented 5 years ago

Hello, @oluowoj

Some formatting changes perhaps:

  1. For the bibliography I believe we are meant to use:

    \bibliographystyle {plainnat}

In your SRS .tex file you have:

\subsection{Organization of Document} The organization of this document follows the template for an SRS for scientific computing software proposed by~\cite{Koothoor2013} and \cite{SmithAndLai2005}.

and use:

\bibliographystyle {plain} \bibliography {../../refs/Physics_Game_Library}


This results in your PDF file not including any abbreviation of what these references are, but instead formats them just as: "[1] and [2]":

The organization of this document follows the template for an SRS for scientific computing software proposed by [1] and [2].

Perhaps this should be changed for clarity:


smiths commented 3 years ago

Maintenance of Game Physics has moved to the Drasil repo.