smiths / caseStudies

Case studies of (manual) documentation for scientific computing software
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SRS Review (GamePhysicsSRS) #7 #176

Closed karolserkis closed 3 years ago

karolserkis commented 5 years ago

Hello, @oluowoj

Some formatting and appearance changes:

  1. For section 4.1 System Context -- Figure 1 is a little bit too small and the program name is hard to read in the center of the middle bubble "TamiasMini2D"
\includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth]{SysCtxV2.png} \olu{updated system context image}


Your figure caption could also use your \progname{} for more clarity rather than just "System Context". Perhaps a better caption is needed with more details, but not too much.

\caption{System Context}


smiths commented 3 years ago

Maintenance of Game Physics has moved to the Drasil repo.