Closed kggilmer closed 3 years ago
Another case in glacier
, UploadMultipartPartInput
* <p>Identifies the range of bytes in the assembled archive that will be uploaded in this
* part. Amazon S3 Glacier uses this information to assemble the archive in the proper sequence.
* The format of this header follows RFC 2616. An example header is Content-Range:bytes
* 0-4194303/*.</p>
val range: String? = builder.range
``` (Ken Gilmer - Feb 17, 2021)
Another case is in quicksight
, in the generation of the service client:
* <p>Lists all of the datasets belonging to the current AWS account in an AWS Region.</p>
* <p>The permissions resource is <code>arn:aws:quicksight:region:aws-account-id:dataset/*</code>.</p>
suspend fun listDataSets(input: ListDataSetsRequest): ListDataSetsResponse
* <p>Lists all of the datasets belonging to the current AWS account in an AWS Region.</p>
* <p>The permissions resource is <code>arn:aws:quicksight:region:aws-account-id:dataset/*</code>.</p>
override suspend fun listDataSets(input: ListDataSetsRequest): ListDataSetsResponse {
(Ken Gilmer - Feb 17, 2021)
Another case is lexruntimeservice
in the aws.sdk.kotlin.lexruntimeservice.model.PostContentRequest
* <p> You pass this value as the <code>Accept</code> HTTP header. </p>
* <p> The message Amazon Lex returns in the response can be either text or speech based on the
* <code>Accept</code> HTTP header value in the request. </p>
* <ul>
* <li>
* <p> If the value is <code>text/plain; charset=utf-8</code>, Amazon Lex returns text in the
* response. </p>
* </li>
* <li>
* <p> If the value begins with <code>audio/</code>, Amazon Lex returns speech in the response.
* Amazon Lex uses Amazon Polly to generate the speech (using the configuration you specified in the
* <code>Accept</code> header). For example, if you specify <code>audio/mpeg</code> as the
* value, Amazon Lex returns speech in the MPEG format.</p>
* </li>
* <li>
* <p>If the value is <code>audio/pcm</code>, the speech returned is <code>audio/pcm</code>
* in 16-bit, little endian format.
* </p>
* </li>
* <li>
* <p>The following are the accepted values:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>
* <p>audio/mpeg</p>
* </li>
* <li>
* <p>audio/ogg</p>
* </li>
* <li>
* <p>audio/pcm</p>
* </li>
* <li>
* <p>text/plain; charset=utf-8</p>
* </li>
* <li>
* <p>audio/ (defaults to mpeg)</p>
* </li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
val accept: String? = builder.accept
``` (Ken Gilmer - Feb 17, 2021)
Another case is swf
. Example:
* <p>Returns the list of domains registered in the account. The results may be split into
* multiple pages. To retrieve subsequent pages, make the call again using the nextPageToken
* returned by the initial call.</p>
* <note>
* <p>This operation is eventually consistent. The results are best effort and may not
* exactly reflect recent updates and changes.</p>
* </note>
* <p>
* <b>Access Control</b>
* </p>
* <p>You can use IAM policies to control this action's access to Amazon SWF resources as
* follows:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>
* <p>Use a <code>Resource</code> element with the domain name to limit the action to
* only specified domains. The element must be set to
* <code>arn:aws:swf::AccountID:domain/*</code>, where <i>AccountID</i> is
* the account ID, with no dashes.</p>
* </li>
* <li>
* <p>Use an <code>Action</code> element to allow or deny permission to call this
* action.</p>
* </li>
* <li>
* <p>You cannot use an IAM policy to constrain this action's parameters.</p>
* </li>
* </ul>
* <p>If the caller doesn't have sufficient permissions to invoke the action, or the
* parameter values fall outside the specified constraints, the action fails. The associated
* event attribute's <code>cause</code> parameter is set to <code>OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED</code>.
* For details and example IAM policies, see <a href="">Using IAM to Manage Access to Amazon SWF
* Workflows</a> in the <i>Amazon SWF Developer Guide</i>.</p>
override suspend fun listDomains(input: ListDomainsInput): DomainInfos {
``` (Ken Gilmer - Feb 17, 2021)
Also mediastore
, example aws.sdk.kotlin.mediastore.model.CorsRule
* <p>One or more response headers that you want users to be able to access from their
* applications (for example, from a JavaScript <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> object).</p>
* <p>Each CORS rule must have at least one <code>AllowedOrigins</code> element. The string
* value can include only one wildcard character (*), for example, http://*
* Additionally, you can specify only one wildcard character to allow cross-origin access for
* all origins.</p>
val allowedOrigins: List<String>? = builder.allowedOrigins
``` (Ken Gilmer - Feb 17, 2021)
also configservice
* <p>Conformance pack template that is used to create a pack. The delivery bucket name should start with awsconfigconforms. For example: "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::your_bucket_name/*".</p>
val deliveryS3Bucket: String? = builder.deliveryS3Bucket
``` (Ken Gilmer - Feb 17, 2021)
also lightsail
, example:
* <p>The path to a directory or file to cached, or not cache. Use an asterisk symbol to specify
* wildcard directories (<code>path/to/assets/*</code>), and file types (<code>*.html, *jpg,
* *js</code>). Directories and file paths are case-sensitive.</p>
* <p>Examples:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>
* <p>Specify the following to cache all files in the document root of an Apache web server
* running on a Lightsail instance.</p>
* <p>
* <code>var/www/html/</code>
* </p>
* </li>
* <li>
* <p>Specify the following file to cache only the index page in the document root of an
* Apache web server.</p>
* <p>
* <code>var/www/html/index.html</code>
* </p>
* </li>
* <li>
* <p>Specify the following to cache only the .html files in the document root of an Apache
* web server.</p>
* <p>
* <code>var/www/html/*.html</code>
* </p>
* </li>
* <li>
* <p>Specify the following to cache only the .jpg, .png, and .gif files in the images
* sub-directory of the document root of an Apache web server.</p>
* <p>
* <code>var/www/html/images/*.jpg</code>
* </p>
* <p>
* <code>var/www/html/images/*.png</code>
* </p>
* <p>
* <code>var/www/html/images/*.gif</code>
* </p>
* <p>Specify the following to cache all files in the images sub-directory of the document
* root of an Apache web server.</p>
* <p>
* <code>var/www/html/images/</code>
* </p>
* </li>
* </ul>
val path: String? = builder.path
``` (Ken Gilmer - Feb 17, 2021)
Occurs in glue
in CreateCrawlerRequest
* <p>The AWS Glue database where results are written, such as:
* <code>arn:aws:daylight:us-east-1::database/sometable/*</code>.</p>
val databaseName: String? = builder.databaseName
``` (Ken Gilmer - Feb 18, 2021)
Frequency of HTML tags occurring in Smithy models
kggilmer@u88a1ad37470a5a:~/dev/repos/aws-models$ find . -name model.json | xargs grep -o "<[^>]*>" | cut -d: -f2 | sort -n | uniq -c | sort
1 <|.*>
1 < = >
108 </dl>
108 <dl>
10 </h4>
10 <h4>
10 <unique identifier>
1 < 1/2 *\n TARGET_TIME_SERIES dataset length</p>
113 <p class=\"title\">
119 </ol>
119 <ol>
12 < >
1 <2.0.0</code>
12 <region>
13 <my-bucket-name>
146660 <p>
146765 </p>
17972 </a>
18 </h5>
18 <h5>
18 <link linkend=\"templates-template-name-template-type-versions\">
19539 </li>
19539 <li>
1 <account that owns this container>
1 <account that owns this\n container>
1 <a href=\"AmazonS3/latest/API/API_UploadPart.html\">
1 <a href=\"AmazonS3/latest/dev/S3onOutposts.html\">
1 <a href=\"AWSCloudFormation/latest/APIReference/API_DeregisterType.html\">
1 <a href=\"AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/modules.html\">
1 <a href=\"AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/modules.html#module-ref-resources\">
1 <a href=\"/kms/latest/developerguide/concepts.html#master_keys\">
1 <a href=\"sig-v4-authenticating-requests.html\">
1 <AndAllFilters>
1 <!-- Any forward slash (\"/\") characters in the <code>
1 <!-- API Gateway sends back the status code to the caller as the HTTP status code. Parameters and models can be used to transform the response from the method's integration.-->
1 <api-id>
1 <aws_account_id>
1 <AWSRegion>
1 <= b) is true.</p>
1 < b) is true.</p>
1 <bucket>
1 <BucketLoggingStatus xmlns=\"http
1 <cluster-id>
1 <= <code>
1 <CPUUtilization>
1 <customer id>
1 < Database>
1 <description>
1 <digest>
1 <div>
1 <div class=\"Remarks\">
1 <Document_name>
1 <</dt>
1 <=</dt>
1 <EqualTo>
1 <ExportJobName>
1 <folder>
1 <folder\n name>
1 <ForecastExportJobName>
1 </GetMetricWidgetImageResponse>
1 <GetMetricWidgetImageResponse xmlns=<URLstring>
1 </GetMetricWidgetImageResult>
1 <GetMetricWidgetImageResult>
1 <group-name>
1 <instance-id-1>
1 <instance-id-2>
1 </isTruncated>
1 <isTruncated>
1 <job-id>
1 <link linkend=\"apps-application-id-journeys-journey-id-state\">
1 </literal>
1 <literal>
1 <managed rule group name>
1 </MetricWidgetImage>
1 <MetricWidgetImage>
1 <N>
1 <name of container>
1 <name of\n container>
1 <(.|\\n)*ManifestConfirmConditionNotification(.|\\n)*>
1 <node-group-id>
1 </NotificationConfiguration>
1 <NotificationConfiguration>
1 <(.|\\n)*SignalProcessingNotification(.|\\n)*>
1 <objectKey>
1 <object-name>
1 <OrAllFilters>
1 <output-file.mp3>
1 <!-- <p>
1 <Parameter_name>
1 <path>
1 <path\n to ping>
1 <path-to-source-code>
1 <payload-field>
1 <prefix>
1 <protocol>
1 <RandomGUID>
1 <region-ID>
1 <relevant-aws-account-id>
1 <repo-name>
1 <repo-name[
1 </RequestId>
1 <RequestId>
1 <resource_arn>
1 </ResponseMetadata>
1 <ResponseMetadata>
1 <rule group name>
1 <runid>
1 < Schema>
1 <service-name>
1 <ServiceName>
1 <simid>
1 <>
1 <Stage Name>
1 <string>
1 <table>
1 <tag>
1 <>
1 </u>
1 <u>
1 <user_arn>
1 <vendor name>
1 <!-- Why is this declared as the input to create an API key? As a form of copying an existing key value into a new API key? -->
1 <window-target-id-1>
1 <window-target-id-2>
1 <=x<1.0.</p>
2 <, >
20 <a href=\"/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/Welcome.html\">
20 <outpost-id>
20 </pre>
20 <pre>
22 <Region>
2369 </note>
2369 <note>
25 <account-id>
25 </strong>
25 <strong>
26 <div class=\"remarks\">
26 </link>
2 <Accessibility>
2 <Accessibility schemeIdUri=\"urn
2 <access-point-name>
2 <acct-id>
2 <a href=\"xxxxx\">
2 <aws-region>
2 <bucket_name>
2 <Column, Type>
2 <CRLF>
2 <default>
2 <div class=\"example\">
2 <field-name>
2 <). For example, you can use a size constraint statement to look for query strings that are longer than 100 bytes. </p>
2 <imagelabel>
2 <input-file>
2 <instanceid1>
2 <instanceid2>
2 <keyprefix>
2 <link linkend=\"apps-application-id-events\">
2 <link linkend=\"apps-application-id-journeys-journey-id\">
2 <major>
2 <minor>
2 <object>
2 <objectkey>
2 <PartNumber>
2 <patch>
2 <primary-node-id>
2 <role-name>
2 <rule name>
2 <service-principal-name>
2 <tag name>
2 <tag value>
2 <task-uuid>
2 <Unicode>
2 <version-id>
2 <= x < 1.0.</p>
3 <= | >
3 < | >
32 <a href=\"/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html\">
3516 </b>
3516 <b>
39 <>
3 <a href=\"\">
3 <a href=\"/streams/latest/dev/building-enhanced-consumers-api.html\">
3 <alias>
3 <build-ID>
3 <custom ID string or idempotency token>
3 </DisplayName>
3 <DisplayName>
3 </EmailAddress>
3 <EmailAddress>
3 </end>
3 <end>
3 <fleet ID>
3 <<i>
3 </ID>
3 <ID>
3 <input-name>
3 <link linkend=\"apps-application-id-campaigns-campaign-id\">
3 <name>
3 <path-to-datum>
3 <port>
3 <region-name>
3 <registry>
3 <repository>
3 <repository-name>
3 </row>
3 <row item_a=\"A\" item_b=\"B\">
3 <row item_a=\"A\" item_b=\"B\" />
3 </start>
3 <start>
3 <tunnel-id>
3 </URI>
3 <URI>
3 <variable-name>
413 </important>
413 <important>
43 <key>
4817 </ul>
4818 <ul>
48 <p/>
4 <a href=\"/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html#arn-syntax-lambda\">
4 <a href=\"/singlesignon/latest/IdentityStoreAPIReference/welcome.html\">
4 <a href=\"/singlesignon/latest/userguide/abac.html\">
4 <bucket-name>
4 <clustername>
4 <</code>
4 <=</code>
4 <ExportTimestamp>
4 <instance>
4 <node-id>
4 <servicename>
4 <status>
4 <targetName>
4 <targetType>
53 <div class=\"seeAlso\">
565 </dt>
567 </dd>
567 <dd>
567 <dt>
5 </br>
5 <br>
5 <file name>
5 <my-accesspoint-name>
5 <region identifier>
5 </scanrange>
5 <scanrange>
6025 <i>
6028 </i>
60847 </code>
60854 <code>
6 <a href=\" https
6 <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https
6 <b/>
6 <day>
6 </filename>
6 <filename>
7 <=>
7594 <a>
7 <alias-name>
7 </Grantee>
83 </div>
845 <a href=\"http
8 <a href=\"mailto
8 <load-balancer-id>
8 <load-balancer-name>
8 <target-group-id>
8 <target-group-name>
91 </replaceable>
91 <replaceable>
9434 <a href=\"https
94 </fullname>
94 <fullname>
9 <folder name>
9 <Grantee xmlns
``` (Ken Gilmer - Feb 23, 2021)
closed by #61
In some places comment text causes a comment to become untemrinated, resulting in the rest of the file being parsed as a comment.
Example: service: Apigatewayv2 class CreateApiRequest
internal id: 176971894