smithy-lang / smithy-rs

Code generation for the AWS SDK for Rust, as well as server and generic smithy client generation.
Apache License 2.0
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Hyper Upgrade #1925

Open jdisanti opened 1 year ago

jdisanti commented 1 year ago

This tracks progress on the upgrade to Hyper 1.0

Many of these changes are prototyped in this branch which can send an E2E request with RusTLS

Implementation Tasks

Upstream Changes

SDK changes

Testing Tasks

jdisanti commented 1 year ago

I spent some time working on this this week. I was able to get aws-smithy-http compiling with most tests passing, and some of aws-smithy-checksums (ended up stubbing out the checksum calculating body to move forward). My work is available on the hyper-1x-experimentation-dec-7-2022 branch. Findings below.

Further work that is unblocked right now:

Prerequisites before continuing:

Work that can be done after prerequisites:

jdisanti commented 1 year ago

Note: On the Body impls, it should be safe to assume trailers come after data frames since hyper will error out otherwise.

jdisanti commented 1 year ago

Findings so far:

Work in progress test matrix: