smnbajwa / submeta-dl

Download videos from using yt-dlp
The Unlicense
4 stars 1 forks source link

How is suppose to function? #2

Open AlAgcn opened 4 months ago

AlAgcn commented 4 months ago

I dont get it, in the main function only acept 1 args, but in the code are especting 2 or 3

VikasHK127001 commented 4 months ago
import json
import yt_dlp
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import sys

def getJson(url):
    headers = {
        "User-Agent": 'Mozilla/5.0'#"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:88.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88.0"

    soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url, headers=headers).content, "html.parser")
    data = soup.find(type="application/json")
    for child in data.children:
        # print(json.loads(child.string))
        return json.loads(child.string)

def getCourse(jsonData):
        course = {}
        chapters = jsonData['props']['pageProps']['course']['chapters']
        for chapter in chapters:
            course[chapter['title']] = {}
            for video in chapter['contents']:
                # print(video)
                if video['__typename'] == 'Video':
                    course[chapter['title']][video['title']] = video['id']

        return course

def downloader(course, args):
    url_prefix = '' # this link is not exists 
    url_suffix = '/manifest/video.mpd' #

    for chapter in course:
        for video in course[chapter]:
            video_index = list(course[chapter]).index(video) + 1
            video_title = video
            filename = str(video_index) + '. ' + video_title
            if '/' or '\\' in filename:
                filename = filename.replace('/', '\\')
                filename = filename.replace('/', '\\')

            chapter_index = list(course).index(chapter) + 1
            chapter_title = chapter
            download_path = ''
            if len(args) == 3:
                download_path = args[2] + '/'
            filepath = download_path + str(chapter_index) + '. ' + chapter_title

            url = url_prefix + course[chapter][video] + url_suffix

            ydl_opts = {'extract_flat': 'discard_in_playlist',
                     'fragment_retries': 10,
                     'http_headers': {'Referer': ''},
                     'external_downloader': {'default': 'aria2c'},
                     'ignoreerrors': 'only_download',
                     'outtmpl': {'default': filename + '.%(ext)s'},
                     'paths': {'home': filepath},
                     'postprocessors': [{'key': 'FFmpegConcat',
                                         'only_multi_video': True,
                                         'when': 'playlist'}],
                     'retries': 10

            with yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:

def main(args):
    if len(args) not in [2,3]:
        print('usage: <URL> <download path(optional)>')
        return -1
    json = getJson(args[1])
    course = getCourse(json)
    downloader(course, args)
    print("Download complete!")

if __name__ == "__main__":

I have made some changes to your code. Check it out and give me proper download link