smnedelko / PixelAdmin

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pixel 2.3.1 - adding toastr breaks the icons #12

Open amitai52 opened 7 years ago

amitai52 commented 7 years ago

Adding toastr breaks the icons in the 4 different msgs. This is caused by 2 things:

  1. font-awesome is used in the CSS instead of the background images that are default but FA is not added / install / required - so icon comes up empty If you want to use your SCSS mod, FA must be included before.

  2. Also, the the CSS :before + content: statements are copied wrong (looks like encoding problem) - so icon corrupts on the way and displays wrong even after FA is included

(using builder on MacOS)

smnedelko commented 7 years ago
  1. You're right, PA's toastr depends on FontAwesome
  2. I tried to compile sources with bulder, but I cannot reproduce the issue - the compiled sources work fine. You can try to compile sources with npm run compile command
smnedelko commented 7 years ago

It seems that I found the problem - Sass compiler converts unicode variables to UTF-8 characters. This is can cause problems. Since I can't reproduce the problem, could you test the solution?

  1. Append the next code into the source/scss/mixins/_tools.scss
@mixin unicodeContent($content) {
  content: unquote("\"")+unquote(str-insert($content,"\\", 1))+unquote("\"");
  1. Replace the next strings in the source/scss/_variables.scss
$toastr-icon-success:     "\f00c" !default;
$toastr-icon-error:       "\f057" !default;
$toastr-icon-info:        "\f129" !default;
$toastr-icon-warning:     "\f071" !default;


$toastr-icon-success:     "f00c" !default;
$toastr-icon-error:       "f057" !default;
$toastr-icon-info:        "f159" !default;
$toastr-icon-warning:     "f071" !default;
  1. Replace the next strings in the source/scss/plugins/_toastr.scss
.toast-success:before { content: $toastr-icon-success; }
.toast-error:before { content: $toastr-icon-error; }
.toast-info:before { content: $toastr-icon-info; }
.toast-warning:before { content: $toastr-icon-warning; }


.toast-success:before { @include unicodeContent($toastr-icon-success); }
.toast-error:before { @include unicodeContent($toastr-icon-error); }
.toast-info:before { @include unicodeContent($toastr-icon-info); }
.toast-warning:before { @include unicodeContent($toastr-icon-warning); }
  1. Rebuild sources

Thank You

amitai52 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your answer, the above changes do solve the problem ...

throny commented 6 years ago

When will this bug be fixed in the official version?