smnedelko / PixelAdmin

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scss: compilation error in _px-nav.scss #24

Open ryochin opened 6 years ago

ryochin commented 6 years ago

I've got a compilation error below:

npm run compile:scss
> pixeladmin@2.3.2 compile:scss /Users/ryo/pixeladmin-2.3.2/source
> gulp compile-css

[12:06:28] Using gulpfile ~/pixeladmin-2.3.2/source/gulpfile.js
[12:06:29] Starting 'compile-css'...
[12:06:29] Starting 'clean-css-dist'...
[12:06:29] Finished 'clean-css-dist' after 12 ms
[12:06:29] Starting 'compile-scss-bootstrap-dark'...
[12:06:29] Finished 'compile-scss-bootstrap-dark' after 486 ms
[12:06:29] Starting 'compile-scss-bootstrap'...
[12:06:29] Finished 'compile-scss-bootstrap' after 386 ms
[12:06:29] Starting 'compile-scss-pixeladmin-dark'...
[12:06:30] Finished 'compile-scss-pixeladmin-dark' after 986 ms
[12:06:30] Starting 'compile-scss-pixeladmin'...
[12:06:31] Finished 'compile-scss-pixeladmin' after 730 ms
[12:06:31] Starting 'compile-scss-widgets-dark'...
[12:06:31] Finished 'compile-scss-widgets-dark' after 87 ms
[12:06:31] Starting 'compile-scss-widgets'...
[12:06:31] Finished 'compile-scss-widgets' after 79 ms
[12:06:31] Starting 'compile-scss-themes'...
Error in plugin 'sass'
Error: Base-level rules cannot contain the parent-selector-referencing character '&'.
        on line 176 of scss/mixins/_px-nav.scss, in mixin `px-nav-theme`
        from line 28 of scss/mixins/_pixeladmin.scss, in mixin `pixel-theme`
        from line 18 of scss/themes/adminflare/adminflare.scss
>>   &.px-nav-static .px-nav-dropdown > a,


[12:06:31] Finished 'compile-scss-themes' after 53 ms
Rikku-1 commented 6 years ago

Same here. :/

greew commented 6 years ago

... and here as well ...

greew commented 6 years ago

Anyways - as the error says:

Error: Base-level rules cannot contain the parent-selector-referencing character '&'.
        on line 176 of scss/mixins/_px-nav.scss, in mixin `px-nav-theme`

Remove the & in the beginning of the line 176, 177 and 178 and the compile runs through.