smnorris / bcfishobs

Reference BC Known Fish Observations to the Freshwater Atlas stream network
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generate primary key for falls #17

Closed smnorris closed 3 years ago

smnorris commented 3 years ago

fish_obstacle_point_id is only guaranteed to be a unique identifier when the data is downloaded, it is not stable between downloads (when new records are loaded).

Generate a stable primary key based on geom and some other combination of columns

smnorris commented 3 years ago

geom || source is not unique, even if just considering falls:

select count (*) FROM whse_fish.fiss_obstacles_pnt_sp ;
(1 row)

select count (*) FROM (SELECT distinct geom, source from whse_fish.fiss_obstacles_pnt_sp) f;
(1 row)

select count (*) FROM whse_fish.fiss_obstacles_pnt_sp  where obstacle_name = 'Falls';
(1 row)

select count (*) FROM (SELECT distinct geom, source from whse_fish.fiss_obstacles_pnt_sp where obstacle_name = 'Falls') f;
smnorris commented 3 years ago

As in current script I'll pull distinct locations with max height at that location - and create new primary key that is combination of blue_line_key and downstream_route_measure.

smnorris commented 3 years ago

Adding pk to the fiss obstacles table isn't worth the effort given that source and geom aren't unique. We don't care about the rest of the data in the source table (Dams can come from where FISS data is already added).

Weirs are the only thing lost from v2.3.1 of model but:

They can be added manually through misc/other channel on case by case basis. If lots of weirs start getting added to FISS at some later date maybe there will be a primary key in the db by then...

smnorris commented 3 years ago

Actually, I'm going to move the falls code (and data) over into bcfishpass. This can go back to just being an observations repo for now.