smogon / pokemon-showdown

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Fix Flail/Reversal BP modifier in Gen 2-3 #10315

Closed Karthik99999 closed 1 month ago

Karthik99999 commented 1 month ago

baskuit commented 1 month ago

I was about to prepare my own PR until I found this. This is correct. My change would have use <= 4 instead of < 5 but I see no issue.

This code was taken from the emerald decomp

u8 GetScaledHPFraction(s16 hp, s16 maxhp, u8 scale)
    u8 result = hp * scale / maxhp;

    if (result == 0 && hp > 0)
        return 1;

    return result;
static void Cmd_remaininghptopower(void)
    s32 i;
    s32 hpFraction = GetScaledHPFraction(gBattleMons[gBattlerAttacker].hp, gBattleMons[gBattlerAttacker].maxHP, 48);

    for (i = 0; i < (s32) sizeof(sFlailHpScaleToPowerTable); i += 2)
        if (hpFraction <= sFlailHpScaleToPowerTable[i])

    gDynamicBasePower = sFlailHpScaleToPowerTable[i + 1];
static const u8 sFlailHpScaleToPowerTable[] =
    1, 200,
    4, 150,
    9, 100,
    16, 80,
    32, 40,
    48, 20

The code can be found here

DaWoblefet commented 1 month ago

Thanks Karthik!