smogon / pokemon-showdown

Pokémon battle simulator.
MIT License
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Pokemon of the day #109

Closed bcsj closed 11 years ago

bcsj commented 11 years ago

Hi, I have been trying to run the pokemon showdown system locally. Everything appear to work, but I can't set pokemon of the day.

When manually editing the config.js file it works as it should, however, the /potd command appear to do nothing. The log correctly reports the appropriate change, however, when commencing battle nothing has changed. Currently I have exports.potd = 'Bulbarsaur'; in config.js and typing /potd or /potd Pikachu in the chat as root doesn't change the Bulbasaur in second slot in random battles.

Am I just being stupid and doing something totally wrong? I attempted this as (what I assume is) root or admin. At least I have a ~ in front of my name in the lobby: ~bcsj.

Zarel commented 11 years ago

This is a known bug. The /potd command was made before PS was rewritten to be multi-process, and since then, it doesn't work.

If it's important to you, I can try to fix it, but otherwise I think I'm going to remove /potd.

bcsj commented 11 years ago

I guess it isn't particularly important to me, but I can see why it could be useful to have the ability to superimpose certain pokemon into the random battles. However, as it is right now (supposing it worked :p ) I think it is kind of limited. If \potd is kept I think it should be expanded upon.

Personally I would like to see the possibility of setting several fixed pokemon, so the number of fixed pokemons should be up to the user. This of course means that the potd can't be fixed to the 2nd slot anymore, It should probably be random where they are placed then. Another interesting thing here could be to limit random pokemons to come from a select pool, e.g. gen#1, gen#3, only Dark-types, only NFE, perhaps some mix or maybe a handpicked set.

I understand that this will expend much more time than fixing or removing potd and the code currently handling potd probably isn't even a base to start from on this.

In other words, you probably shouldn't keep potd around for my sake, however, I guess it would be interesting to know why it stopped working in the first place as it could help preventing similar things from happening later.

Zarel commented 11 years ago

Fixed in 68c9899.