smogon / pokemon-showdown

Pokémon battle simulator.
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Match Pokemon names with dashes with Smogon's analyses #8856

Open penpexgit opened 1 year ago

penpexgit commented 1 year ago

I found that Necrozma Dusk Mane and Ho-Oh's "Smogon analysis" links in the Teambuilder do not redirect to the correct tiers, because they respectively point to links where the Pokemon name has less dashes than what Smogon's analyses uses, like

It seems to boil down to the use or not of dashes in the Pokemon's names. It probably happens to other Pokemon that I haven't tested, like Necrozma Dawn Wings, etc.

I would have tried to fix it myself, but looking for necrozma-duskmane in the repo, I only found a hit in random-battles.ts which I'm pretty sure is not the place where it needs to be fixed.

jmclemo6 commented 1 year ago

Seems to be a client bug. The toID function used there to construct that URL gets rid of the -'s in the form name. Might be worth doing more investigation to figure out exactly which Pokémon this affects, discuss in the dev room to figure out a good fix, and then implement it if you're still interested in doing so.

pasha-ran commented 1 year ago

Regardless, and point to the same page. The URL without the '-' redirects to the correct URL anyway, so there is no functional loss. Issue should be marked as resolved.

penpexgit commented 1 year ago

Regardless, and point to the same page. The URL without the '-' redirects to the correct URL anyway, so there is no functional loss. Issue should be marked as resolved.

They do not redirect to the same page. The second one (the one with the dashes) redirects to the correct page, i.e. the National Dex AG Analysis, the other one just redirects to Ho-Oh's SS page which has currently 9 different analyses for SS, and the default analysis (the one you land on, by clicking the first link, without dashes) happens to be Ubers, so not National Dex AG.