smokey5787 / gemini-wallpaper

Wallpaper designs for EOS Gemini
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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Optical illusion issue ;) #1

Open killajoe opened 3 months ago

killajoe commented 3 months ago

I see the reason to put planet circle cut of off side the picture, but there is a flaw doing this as it creates an optical illusion that let the cut of circle look elliptical. This happens if they have a certain size, as very small circles does not have that much of this effect.

smokey5787 commented 3 months ago

I actually noticed a couple of things that make it look slightly weird last night when I set it as a wallpaper on my screen, I think the main reason is the size of the background and when the image is scaled it warps it. I'm going to try rescale the image background that I have made and the other thing overlaying it to see if it fixes it. If I can't get the moon to look right I can also put it together without the moon. I'll try get around to it later today or tomorrow.

smokey5787 commented 3 months ago

Got them done a lot sooner than I thought I would. They scale alot better now on my monitor. Have also added versions without the moon.

killajoe commented 3 months ago


smokey5787 commented 3 months ago

I think I might try and resize the gemini and move the logo up slightly - I added the default panel to mine to test it out and it only cut off about 1 pixel but I can see how this looks a bit odd.

smokey5787 commented 3 months ago

killajoe commented 3 months ago

2024-03-30_19-24 this looks awesome or not? the little transparent logo is a nice touch too

smokey5787 commented 3 months ago

Thanks, I'm pretty happy with it. Shocked myself with it too, zero ideas for ages than out of the blue this