Open liquidacid opened 3 years ago
Thanks, i will implement the API from Entso-e, i didn't mention it was there actually!
I managed to do this with the API from Entsoe which is much better. I'd complete it but i did not test it with your Tesla API since im not using that. I also do not fill the array with times corresponding to the prices since i will not use it that way. Im just calculating the price starting from the current hour.
I need to mention it would be nessecary to put some more information regarding this in the readme.
By the looks of the website it seems they changed a bit of stuff. Probably filling datafields from another source than before which can't be handled by requests. Found out that selenum can do this.
I would like to put in a pull request but im not sure how things get handled when summer and wintertime changes. Please let me know what you think!