When I had my original Pebble, if I got an incomming call from somebody that is not in my contact book, the Pebble would display the incomming phone number in the call notification (instead of the name).
Now, with my Pebble Time Steel, the phone number is not displayed in the call notification.
The call notification is "empty", regarding caller ID.
On my Jolla, the incomming phone number is properly shown for the same incomming calls.
When I had my original Pebble, if I got an incomming call from somebody that is not in my contact book, the Pebble would display the incomming phone number in the call notification (instead of the name).
Now, with my Pebble Time Steel, the phone number is not displayed in the call notification. The call notification is "empty", regarding caller ID. On my Jolla, the incomming phone number is properly shown for the same incomming calls.
Pebble FW 3.4 Sailfish Pebbled 1.4-1