smontanari / code-forensics

A toolset for code analysis and report visualisation
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Typos (wiki-pages) #2

Closed andife closed 7 years ago

andife commented 7 years ago

I found some minor error in the wiki (but I was not able to fork the wiki to commit changes)

1) In order to to fully => In order to fully 2) I highly recommended => I highly recommend 3) - Developer coupling and communication: chapter 12 and 15 => - Developer coupling and communication: chapters 12 and 15 4) the availabe analysis: -> the available analysis:

1) several errors => several errors (one space too much)

2) JavaScript AST (Abstract Syntx Tree). => JavaScript AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)

3) code-foreniscs to use a different jar file for Code Maat if => code-forensics to use a different jar file for Code Maat if

1) aggreagated => aggregated a) data is also aggreagated at team level. b) same data is also aggreagated at team level.

2) representation is particulary useful => representation is particularly useful

3) nodes by on ly showing => nodes by only showing 1) may cause a certaing degree of coupling => may cause a certain degree of coupling 1) their aliases under => their aliases under (space to much)

smontanari commented 7 years ago

Typos fixed, thank you @andife for taking the time to read through all the pages and notifying me.