smontlouis / bible-strong

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Comprehensive Developer Documentation for App Understanding and Maintenance #131

Open smontlouis opened 8 months ago

smontlouis commented 8 months ago

Creating an extensive developer documentation to detail the workings, features, and architecture of our app. This documentation will serve as a guide for current and future developers, ensuring a clear understanding of the app's structure and functionalities.

Content Outline:

  1. Introduction: Overview of the app, its purpose, and target audience.
  2. App Features: Detailed description of each feature, including user interaction flows.
  3. Architecture: Explain the app's architecture, including front-end and back-end components, and their interactions.
  4. Technology Stack: List and describe the technologies used (e.g., TypeScript, Node.js, React, React-Native, Next.js).
  5. Codebase Structure: Describe the organization of the codebase, including directory structure and key files.
  6. Development Setup: Step-by-step guide for setting up the development environment.
  7. Testing Protocols: Outline the testing framework and how to run tests.
  8. Deployment Process: Instructions for deploying updates or new versions of the app.
  9. External Dependencies: List and explain any external services or APIs the app relies on.
  10. Contribution Guidelines: Guidelines for contributing to the app, including coding standards (e.g., prettier config) and the process for submitting changes.

Additional Sections (if applicable):

This documentation will be continuously updated to reflect any changes in the app's development and features.