smorabit / hdWGCNA

High dimensional weighted gene co-expression network analysis
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The value of the exit state at 0.2.18. tar. gz 'is not 0 #116

Closed rain242 closed 1 year ago

rain242 commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug Install package 'C:/Users/mac/AppData/Local/temp/RtmpmKBjj0/file11f846e3b34/hdWGCNA'_ The value of the exit state at 0.2.18. tar. gz 'is not 0

Steps to reproduce

install BiocManager


install Bioconductor core packages


install additional packages:

install.packages(c("Seurat", "WGCNA", "igraph", "devtools"))

devtools::install_github('smorabit/hdWGCNA', ref='dev')

# Put code in this box

R session info Please run sessionInfo() and report the output.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

More than one problem? If you have more than one problem with hdWGCNA, create separate issues for your individual problems.

smorabit commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately I am not able to reproduce this error on my computer. I am wondering if you are using a Windows computer? Personally I only have access to Mac and Linux operating systems, so hdWGCNA has only ever been tested on those systems and I cannot offer any advice for Windows users at this time.

smorabit commented 1 year ago

Closing this issue for now but feel free to re-open if you have new information.