smorabit / hdWGCNA

High dimensional weighted gene co-expression network analysis
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Error in "MotifOverlapBarPlot" and "MotifTargetScore" #254

Open zhezhu123 opened 1 month ago

zhezhu123 commented 1 month ago

First of all thank you very much for creating this package that has been very useful to me. An error occurred when I used the "MotifOverlapBarPlot" and "MotifTargetScore" functions to process my Seurat v4 data:


CSC_hdWGCNA_object <- MotifTargetScore(

Here are the steps I took:

single-cell analysis package


plotting and data science packages

library(tidyverse) library(cowplot) library(patchwork)

co-expression network analysis packages:

library(WGCNA) library(hdWGCNA)

network analysis & visualization package:


packages for TF motif analysis

library(JASPAR2020) library(motifmatchr) library(TFBSTools) library(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86) library(GenomicRanges) library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38) library(GeneOverlap) library(ggseqlogo) library(rtracklayer)

using the cowplot theme for ggplot


set random seed for reproducibility


get the pfm from JASPAR2020 using TFBSTools

pfm_core <- TFBSTools::getMatrixSet( x = JASPAR2020, opts = list(collection = "CORE", tax_group = 'vertebrates', all_versions = FALSE) )

run the motif scan with these settings for the mouse dataset

CSC_hdWGCNA_object <- MotifScan( CSC_hdWGCNA_object, species_genome = 'hg38', pfm = pfm_core, EnsDb = EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86 ) dim(GetMotifMatrix(CSC_hdWGCNA_object))

TF target genes

CSC_hdWGCNA_object <- GetMotifTargets(CSC_hdWGCNA_object)

check target genes for one TF:


overlap between modules & TF target genes:

CSC_hdWGCNA_object <- OverlapModulesMotifs(CSC_hdWGCNA_object)

look at the overlap data


plot the top TFs overlapping with

MotifOverlapBarPlot( CSC_hdWGCNA_object,

motif_font = 'xkcd_regular',

outdir = 'motifs', plot_size=c(5,6) )


CSC_hdWGCNA_object <- MotifTargetScore( CSC_hdWGCNA_object, method='UCell' )

Can you tell me where the problem is and how to solve it? Thank you very much.