smorabit / hdWGCNA

High dimensional weighted gene co-expression network analysis
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Error: colours encodes as numbers must be positive #76

Open AnjaliS1 opened 1 year ago

AnjaliS1 commented 1 year ago

I am new to computational work. I keep running into this specific error when trying to use any of the plot functions, such as PlotDMEsVolcano: Error: colours encodes as numbers must be positive. However, each of my modules are named after positive numbers and therefore their assigned color numbers are also positive. I have followed the vignettes exactly with the only changes being that I used my own dataset. I had a look online and found an answer that said "The issue is that you did not map on aesthetics but instead pass vectors to arguments. When doing so you have to pass color names or codes or a positive number to the color argument". Not sure if this is what the actual issue is and if so, then the function would need to be altered? Is there any advice that you would suggest as mapping to aesthetics didn't solve the error?

smorabit commented 1 year ago

Can you please provide the code that you ran?

AnjaliS1 commented 1 year ago

Yes of course! This is the entirety of my code up until the plot:

single-cell analysis package


plotting and data science packages

library(tidyverse) library(cowplot) library(patchwork)

co-expression network analysis packages:

library(WGCNA) library(hdWGCNA)

using the cowplot theme for ggplot


set random seed for reproducibility


load data

Smith_microglia <- readRDS("~/WGCNA_Smith/microglia_cluster.rds")


filter for protein coding genes

background <- read_tsv("~/scFlow_Workshop/refs/ensembl_mappings.tsv") background_genes <- background$external_gene_name[which(background$gene_biotype=='protein_coding')]

Smith_microglia <- Smith_microglia[which(rownames(Smith_microglia) %in% background_genes),]

Find variable genes in Smith data

######################################################################################### Smith_microglia <- NormalizeData(Smith_microglia)

Check percentage mitochondrial genes

Smith_microglia[[""]] <- PercentageFeatureSet(Smith_microglia, pattern = "^MT-")

Set cell identities of the tsne projection

Idents(Smith_microglia) <- Smith_microglia$cluster_celltype

Smith_microglia <- FindVariableFeatures(Smith_microglia, selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 2000) genes.keep <- VariableFeatures(Smith_microglia)

seuratObj2 <- subset(Smith_microglia, subset = genes.keep) ???

subset.seurat <- Smith_microglia@assays$originalexp@data[genes.keep, ]

subset.seurat <-, assay='originalexp', slot='data')[genes.keep,])

subset.seurat <- CreateSeuratObject(subset.seurat,

metadata = metadata)

metadata <-

setup seurat object

microglia <- SetupForWGCNA( Smith_microglia, gene_select = "variable", # the gene selection approach wgcna_name = "microglia" # the name of the hdWGCNA experiment )

construct metacells in each group

microglia <- MetacellsByGroups( seurat_obj = microglia, = c("individual", "cluster_celltype"), # specify the columns in to group by k = 40, # nearest-neighbors parameter max_shared = 10, # maximum number of shared cells between two metacells = 'cluster_celltype', reduction = "tSNE_Liger"# set the Idents of the metacell seurat object )

normalize metacell expression matrix:

microglia <- NormalizeMetacells(microglia)

Optional: Process the metacell seurat object

metacell_obj <- GetMetacellObject(microglia)

metacell_obj <- NormalizeMetacells(metacell_obj)

metacell_obj <- ScaleMetacells(metacell_obj, features=VariableFeatures(metacell_obj))

metacell_obj <- RunPCAMetacells(metacell_obj, features=VariableFeatures(metacell_obj))

metacell_obj <- RunHarmonyMetacells(metacell_obj,'Sample')

metacell_obj <- RunUMAPMetacells(metacell_obj, reduction='harmony', dims=1:15)

p1 <- DimPlotMetacells(seurat_obj,'cell_type') + umap_theme() + ggtitle("Cell Type")

p2 <- DimPlotMetacells(seurat_obj,'Sample') + umap_theme() + ggtitle("Sample")

p1 | p2

co-expression network analysis

microglia <- SetDatExpr( microglia, group_name = "Micro", # the name of the group of interest in the column'cluster_celltype', # the metadata column containing the cell type info. This same column should have also been used in MetacellsByGroups assay = 'originalexp', # using RNA assay slot = 'data' # using normalized data )

Test Soft Powers

Test different soft powers:

microglia<- TestSoftPowers( microglia, networkType = 'signed' # you can also use "unsigned" or "signed hybrid" )

plot the results:

plot_list <- PlotSoftPowers(microglia)

assemble with patchwork

wrap_plots(plot_list, ncol=2)

power table is stored in seurat object and can be accessed at any time.

power_table <- GetPowerTable(microglia) head(power_table)

Construct co-expression network

construct co-expression network:

microglia <- ConstructNetwork( microglia, soft_power=6, setDatExpr=FALSE, tom_name = 'Micro', randomSeed = 12345, corType = "pearson", deepSplit=2, TOMType = "signed", minModuleSize = 10, reassignThreshold = 0, mergeCutHeight = 0.4, detectCutHeight = 0.995, numericLabels = TRUE, pamRespectsDendro = FALSE, saveTOMs = FALSE, verbose = 3, networkType="signed")# name of the topoligical overlap matrix written to disk

PlotDendrogram(microglia, main='Microglia hdWGCNA Dendrogram')

optional to inspect TOM

TOM <- GetTOM(seurat_obj)

Module Eigengenes and Connectivity

Harmony batch correction is applied

need to run ScaleData first or else harmony throws an error:

microglia <- ScaleData(microglia, features=VariableFeatures(microglia))

compute all MEs in the full single-cell dataset

microglia <- ModuleEigengenes( microglia,"individual" )

Stores MEs as a matrix cell x module.

harmonized module eigengenes:

hMEs <- GetMEs(microglia)

module eigengenes:

MEs <- GetMEs(microglia, harmonized=FALSE)

Compute module connectivity

often want to focus on the “hub genes”, those which are highly connected within each module.

To determine the eigengene-based connectivity, also known as kME, of each gene. hdWGCNA includes the ModuleConnectivity to compute the kME values in the full single-cell dataset, rather than the metacell dataset.

This function essentially computes pairwise correlations between genes and module eigengenes

compute eigengene-based connectivity (kME):

microglia <- ModuleConnectivity( microglia, = 'cluster_celltype', group_name = 'Micro' )

rename the modules

Also option to change colours of modules

microglia <- ResetModuleNames( microglia, new_name = "Micro-M" )

plot genes ranked by kME for each module

p <- PlotKMEs(microglia, ncol=5)


Get module assignment table

get the module assignment table:

modules <- GetModules(microglia)

show the first 6 columns:


get hub genes

sorted by kME value

hub_df <- GetHubGenes(microglia, n_hubs = 10)


Extract top hub of each module

hub <- hub_df %>% group_by(module) %>% filter(kME == max(kME)) %>% ungroup()

save progress

saveRDS(microglia, file='hdWGCNA_object.rds')

Compute hub gene signature scores

Gene scoring analysis is a popular method in single-cell transcriptomics for computing a score for the overall signature of a set of genes.

Seurat implements their own gene scoring technique using the AddModuleScore function, but there are also alternative approaches such as UCell.

hdWGCNA includes the function ModuleExprScore to compute gene scores for a give number of genes for each module, using either the Seurat or UCell algorithm.

Gene scoring is an alternative way of summarizing the expression of a module from computing the module eigengene.

compute gene scoring for the top 25 hub genes by kME for each module

with Seurat method

microglia <- ModuleExprScore( microglia, n_genes = 25, method='Seurat' )

compute gene scoring for the top 25 hub genes by kME for each module

with UCell method

library(UCell) microglia <- ModuleExprScore( microglia, n_genes = 25, method='UCell' )

Basic vsualisations

make a featureplot of hMEs for each module

plot_list1 <- ModuleFeaturePlot( microglia, features='hMEs', # plot the hMEs order=TRUE, reduction = "tSNE_Liger"# order so the points with highest hMEs are on top )

stitch together with patchwork

wrap_plots(plot_list1, ncol=6)

make a featureplot of hub scores for each module

plot_list2 <- ModuleFeaturePlot( microglia, features='scores', # plot the hub gene scores order='shuffle', # order so cells are shuffled ucell = TRUE, reduction = "tSNE_Liger"# depending on Seurat vs UCell for gene scoring )

stitch together with patchwork

wrap_plots(plot_list2, ncol=6)

Module Correlations

hdWGCNA includes the ModuleCorrelogram function to visualize the correlation between each module based on their hMEs, MEs, or hub gene scores using the R package corrplot.

plot module correlagram


Seurat plotting functions!!!

The base Seurat plotting functions are also great for visualizing hdWGCNA outputs. Here we demonstrate plotting hMEs using DotPlot and VlnPlot. The key to using Seurat’s plotting functions to visualize the hdWGCNA data is to add it into the Seurat object’s slot:

get hMEs from seurat object

MEs <- GetMEs(microglia, harmonized=TRUE) mods <- colnames(MEs); mods <- mods[mods != 'grey']

add hMEs to Seurat meta-data: <- cbind(, MEs)

Seurat's Dotplot function

plot with Seurat's DotPlot function

dotp <- DotPlot(microglia, features=mods, = 'cluster_celltype')

flip the x/y axes, rotate the axis labels, and change color scheme:

dotp <- dotp +

coord_flip() +

RotatedAxis() + scale_color_gradient2(high='red', mid='grey95', low='blue') +

plot output


Plot INH-M4 hME using Seurat VlnPlot function

p <- VlnPlot( microglia, features = '1', = 'cluster_celltype', pt.size = 0 # don't show actual data points )

add box-and-whisker plots on top:

p <- p + geom_boxplot(width=.25, fill='white')

change axis labels and remove legend:

p <- p + xlab('') + ylab('hME') + NoLegend()

plot output



Network Visualisation

Individual module networks


Error in col2rgb(col, alpha = TRUE) : numerical color values must be positive


DME Analysis

split by diagnosis


Add 0 and 1 for diagnosis <- %>% mutate_all(., as.character) %>% mutate(AD = diagnosis, Control = diagnosis, Male = sex, Female = sex) %>% mutate_at(vars("AD"), ~ ifelse(. == "AD", 1, 0)) %>% mutate_at(vars("Control"), ~ ifelse(. == "Control", 1, 0)) %>% mutate_at(vars("Male"), ~ ifelse(. == "M", 1, 0)) %>% mutate_at(vars("Female"), ~ ifelse(. == "F", 1, 0)) %>% dplyr::select(-c(diagnosis, sex, orig.ident, barcode, manifest, sequence_id, individual, brain_region, diagnosis_brain_region, individual_brain_region, is_empty_drop, is_singlet, cluster_celltype, Allan2019_ML1, Allan2019_ML2, Zeisel2018_ML4, Zeisel2018_ML5, allan_celltype, allan_layer, allan_cluster_gene_1, allan_cluster_2, cluster_celltype_pipeline, metacell_grouping)) %>% mutate_all(as.numeric)

group1 <- %>% subset(AD == 1) %>% rownames group2 <- %>% subset(Control == 1) %>% rownames


DMEs <- FindDMEs( microglia, barcodes1 = group1, barcodes2 = group2, test.use='wilcox', wgcna_name='microglia' )


PlotDMEsVolcano( microglia, DMEs, wgcna_name = 'microglia' )

Error: colours encodes as numbers must be positive